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Vea's POV

This is damn terrible. I want to speak out but how? I want to scream but I can't. I am too weak.

"Hey, I saw on the internet that there's a new coffee shop around here" Keya said as she kept scrolling through her phone

"Let's go there" Blake said

"I'll go with you guys" Phiya said

"How about you Vea?" Keya asked

I nodded "Hmm. I w-will go with you all"

The four of us followed where the map were directing us. I want to tell them but I can't. I don't want to be a burden. I want speak out but I am too weak. I don't have much power. Just like Xea I am just hoping for a sponsor but unlike her, she has money to support her. I don't have one. 

"Oh! That's the coffee shop!" Phiya shouted and dragged us all to the shop

We all went inside and chose a comfortable table for four. They chose near the window for us to have a good picture with a better background. This is our routine, whenever they see new coffee shops, they will visit and try but Xea never went with us. Not even once.

"I'll order for us" Keya said and went to the counter

I have the same experience like Phiya. I used to have a crush on Hyunjin because I thought he was just cold, but I never though he is mean. He is so famous as well as his Father and siblings. I entered the school for him and studied so hard to go to the same school with him.

I confessed to him during valentine's day. I prepared chocolate and letter for him even though I don't have enough money for chocolates. That day, it was just the two of us, in the room. I confessed to him and gave him the chocolates but he just looked at me like he didn't heard anything. He just put his hands inside his pocket and left the room. I know I got rejected, but the next day. It was terrible. Everyone is looking at me and judging me from head to toe. They even looked at my background profile. They humiliated me and kept making fun of me. They looked down on me like I am some virus.

Some mean girls bullied me for days and that's when I met Xea. They treated me like a garbage and hurt me for a lot of times but I kept it inside me since I want to graduate. She saved me and I am thankful to her. She reported what those girls did to me and they were expelled from the school. After that day, I kept following Xea and doing small things for her, like helping her. That's the least I can do for her. When she found out that I don't have money for school trip, she paid for my fee and gave me extra money to buy what I want.

I want to tell her about my problem now but how? She always help me and I can't be a burden to her anymore. I want to help her as much as I can. Damn. This is frustrating.

"Shit" Blake whispered

"Why?" Phiya

"I have to go home. My Mom needs me" Blake

Keya arrived and started distributing the coffee "So, I got you-"

Blake stood up "I need to go"

"Already? Let's take a picture" Phiya said

Keya asked for the waiter and he took a picture of us "Thanks!"

We all left the coffee shop and went to our own direction. Phiya was left at the coffee shop because her driver is on the way, Blake rode a cab same goes to Keya. She asked me to go with her but I refused since I know she is going to pay for me.

"Aren't you the student earlier?" an old man asked as the car stopped in front of me

It was the guy. The guy who harrassed me secretly. The reason why I am becoming quiet. He is the sponsor for my scholarship and he kept doing this for a lot of times.

He opened the door "Let's go"

I took a step back but he reached my wrist and tried to force me to enter his car but I kept resisting.

"I have to-"

I was shocked when a car crashed into the old man's car. It was familiar. I've seen the car a lot of times-

It's Felix.

He got out of the car while walking slowly, he went to the old man and punched his face two times "Pervert"

The hell. Did he just do that to one of the stockholders?

Felix looked at me "Are you okay?"

I nodded slowly "I-"

He put his jacket on me and made sure I am fine. Then, he massaged his hand.

"Let's go. I'll drive you home" he said and opened the door for me

I got in his car without a second thought. This is crazy. We're lucky there is no cctv here nor watching us.

He started driving the car away from that place "Xea called me"


"She said she saw that old man earlier harrassing you. She thought she was just making things up and she called me. Keya called her and said that you were alone this late but I wasn't expecting to see that old man doing that-" Felix

"Y-You might get in trouble"

"Why would you worry about that? I can pay triple than his share" Felix answered

Fuck. Stop. I can't like you.

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