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Phiya's POV

"One mocha-"

"Ice americano" a guy beside me said

"Excuse me?! I got here first!"

"You were so slow- Oh! Phiya? The girl Hyunjin rejected? Hi" JISUNG!!!

"Do you have to bring that up? Besides, I don't like him anymore"

"Why? That's fast" Jisung

"He rejected me, you already said it. Can't you tell? I moved on. I'm not gonna push myself to someone that doesn't appreciate me"

"Do you wanna know why he rejected you?" Jisung


"Because you are a spoiled brat" he smiled as he pat my head and took his order "I'll see you at school"

That stupid-

"Ms. Phiya, here's your order" the girl at the counter said

"Huh? I didn't even told you my order"

"Sir Jisung already paid and ordered for you" she smiled at me and handed me my order "Have a good day ahead, Ma'am!"

I took the order even though I am confused. I left the coffee shop and saw Jisung standing in front of the shop while smirking.

"You're welcome" Jisung winked

"I didn't thanked you-"

"But I know you are thankful" he added

I started walking and he is walking as well, beside me. This is crazy. How can I walk with him? He is one of those guy who laughed at me when I got rejected by Hyunjin. His laugh is the most loud one that day.

"Can you please walk 5 meters away from me?"

"Why?" Jisung asked innocently

"Everyone is watching"

I hate this. All of the students who has the same i.d lace like us were watching us and talking while looking at us.

"So? Are you embarrassed of me? The audacity!" Jisung rolled his eyes

"Excuse me?! I never said that! I was just not used to this kind of situation. Your laugh is the loudest one when I got rejected by your friend, everyone saw it. They are now confused why we are together"

"That's why I treated you a coffee" Jisung

"I only forgive someone when they ask for forgiveness"

He took the coffee "I only treat someone when that person will say thank you"

"Hey! I'm drinking that!"

He just ignored me.

"Fine. Thank you"

Jisung smiled, he was about to give me the coffee when he took a sip and handed it to me "That tastes good"

"Do you know what you did is gross?! That's indirect kiss!"

"Why are you complaining though? Everyone wants to kiss me, you should be thankful. Besides, you were the first to drink then me. That means I am the only one who got kissed" Jisung said and started walking away


I rolled my eyes and started drinking-

"Phiya!" he called and stopped halfway "You sipped, that means you got my indirect kiss" he started laughing and ran as fast as he can


Why is he so weird? I hate him so much. I just hope I won't see him later. I might kill him.

As I entered the school, I annoyingly went to the building where my friends are. We agreed to meet there before we go to our classrooms. I kept seeing the students who saw me and Jisung earlier. I just rolled my eyes and continued walking.

I entered the ssg room-

"What happened?!"

"Some rats did this" Blake sighed

"Aren't you with Vea?" Keya asked

I shook my head "No, I went to the coffee shop and bought this" JISUNG BOUGHT IT FOR ME.

"Why would they do this?" Hanjae asked while looking at the picture frame that was broken

"This is crazy!" Keya shouted and was about to cry "The papers, documents, planning and everything were all mixed up. They even broke the table and chairs, even the white board!"

"Even Xea's painting" Blake

"They are so rude"

Is that why Jisung so nice to me earlier? Because they did something horrible. I mean I am not part of the officers but this is so annoying!

"I'm so done-" Keya

Xea didn't ler her finish and walked out of the room. Oh no.

"Let's go!" Blake said and hurriedly followed Xea

The three of us quickly followed her to the private room of Hyunjin. Of course, they are the rats who did that.

She entered the room and walked towards Hyunjin "Are you seriously messing up with me?"

"What do you mean?" Hyunjin asked innocently

"Hi, Phiya!" Jisung smiled and waved his hands

"Why is he saying hi to you?" Keya asked

"Why is Minho staring at you?"

"You know how important the documents are!" Xea shouted


"Why would you break our door?" Hyunjin

"Because you started it. You vandalised the hallway!" Xea

"Is it your hallway? You own that? Why would be so affected?" Hyunjin laughed

"I am an officer, ssg president to be exact! I am supposed to keep our school clean and keep our image good. You kept messing up! I am doing the all the work! I am cleaning your mess!" Xea shouted nonstop

"This is the first time I heard her shout" Keya whispered

So, Xea is really a quiet and calm girl? But Hyunjin made her shout now.

"You don't fucking know how tired I am! I want to fucking kill you but I can't! I am so done with you!" she shouted and took the chair beside Hyunjin

She started hitting the glasses and all the figurines inside it.


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