Profiler, Profiled Pt. 2

Start from the beginning

"You're under arrest Carl." He says motioning for the cops to cuff him. I walk out lowering my gun and putting it away seeing Carl resisting arrest.

"I saved kids. This neighborhood won't be the same without me! It's gonna be worse without the center!" Carl yells at a crying Morgan.

"Somebody will keep the center running, I will." Derek claims. I push Carl to keep walking and once the cops have him under control I run to Morgan who is standing in the middle of the room, crying. His face hiding from everyone's in shame.

I run to him and stand on the tips of my toes, flinging my arms around his neck, placing one hand behind his head, pushing it down to rest on my shoulder. He responds by hugging my lower half, pushing me closer to him so not even an inch is between us. He sobs into my shoulder as I caress the back of his head in comfort. The detective comes up to us and places a hand on Dereks shoulder as a way of saying sorry.

Morgan looks up at him and nods. I see Gideon and Hotch come back into the room looking at Morgan with pity.

Exactly what he didn't want.

I only hug him harder when I feel him struggling to catch his breath between sobs. I'm not sure how long we stood there, but all I knew is that Derek Morgan needed me for a change.

And I was gonna be there for him.


Hotch drives us quietly back to Morgan's mothers house. I look out the window of the SUV, watching the street lights pass us by. I feel Morgan grip onto my hand squeeze, nervous of seeing his mother now that she knows his secret. I draw circles on his hand trying to sooth his nerves, but it was no use once we arrived at his house. Morgan gets out of the car, staring at the house in fear. He turns around and looks back into the car.

"Can you uh..." He asks before cutting himself off. I however understood and nodded getting out of the car. I lean my head into Hotch's window and tell him to go to the hotel and that I'd see him tomorrow. Hotch only nods before giving a small wave to Morgan, driving off. I make my way to Morgan and grab his hand, dragging him to the front door of his mothers house. I knock three times and wait for the door to open. Once it does a woman with curly light brown hair flings herself on Morgan, hugging and kissing his cheeks repeatedly. I smile and back away to give them space. Once she finishes she steps away and sees my presence.

"Are you Agent Isla Del la Cruz?" She asks and I nod. Morgan's mother walks up to me and pulls me into a hug. "Thank you. Thank you for being there for my baby." She whimpers into my hair. I hug her back and reassure her.

"Happy late birthday by the way." I say once we let go of one another. She giggles and wipes her eyes. "Thank you dear, he talked about you constantly yesterday." She tells me ushering me into her home. I smile and look at an emotional Derek Morgan.

"Really?" I ask amused. "Oh yes, he said you were the strongest, most beautiful-" She starts but Morgan cuts her off.

"Okay mom, we've had a long day can we go to bed?" He asks and she nods pointing to his room. "Go ahead baby, just try not to wake up your sisters. I was finally able to put them to sleep." She tells us gripping her cardigan closer to her. We assure her and slowly walk to his room. Once he closes the door he flops onto his bed. I chuckle and sit on the corner of the it. He sighs into his pillow before flopping onto his back, placing his arms behind his head.

"I didn't know you had sisters." I tell him biting my lip. He looks at me and smiles. "Yea I have two older sisters." He tells me and I smile laughing a little bit.

"So you're the baby brother." I state leaning my chin on my knee. He laughs quietly and nods. Soon his smile drops and he just lays there thinking deeply. Suddenly he looks at me and sits up.

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