Chapter 17: Did You Fall for a Shooting Star?

Start from the beginning

Pink leaked into her cheeks. Usagi closed her eyes and decided right there - I have to tell her.

Hotaru offered to feed Chibi-Usa her mashed peas during lunch. Hotaru seemed so excited to be spending time with the baby version of her best friend, Usagi couldn't tell her no. And she sure wasn't going to turn down willing help.

While Hotaru tenderly wiped Chibi-Usa's face with a bib, a bittersweet realization dawned on Usagi. Without Crystal Tokyo freezing the aging process, Hotaru would always be significantly older than Chibi-Usa. This poignant truth weighed on her heart; their futures wouldn't align as they had in the past. They could no longer grow up in the same life stage. Even though Usagi knew it couldn't be helped, she felt guilty about it.

After inhaling two of the most delectable hamburgers she'd ever tasted, Usagi fed Chibi-Usa to sleep in the living room rocker while they watched the news on TV.

"There's been an influx of people stocking up at the grocery stores," the newscaster reported, "as everyone prepares for the continuing snowstorm slated to hit Tokyo this evening. Reports of the strange phenomenon known as the 'purple lightning' are increasing, and we may even witness the rare event tonight. Stay away from windows and unplug your important devices. Meteorologist Akihiko says..."

Seiya stood, announcing she had to change her bandages.

"I'm supposed to help you with that. Dr. Mizuno's orders," Usagi said, passing her sleeping daughter to Hotaru's willing arms.

Seiya collected her hospital supplies and retreated to Usagi's bedroom. Usagi casually shut the door, relieved to have a moment alone with Seiya to herself.

"I'm telling you," Seiya was saying as she pulled off her shirt, "I'm practically healed. It only hurts when I sneeze or laugh, so don't make me laugh."

It was hard to pretend she wasn't fazed by Seiya undressing. The sports bra she wore was form-fitting, accentuating her broad shoulders and tone arms. Usagi told herself it was comparable to her Sailor Starlight uniform, but it didn't put her nerves at ease one bit.

Seated on the edge of the bed, Seiya unfastened the metal hook securing the gauze around her midsection. Usagi approached and began unwinding the bandage.

"Does it still hurt to twist?" Usagi asked.

"A little, though it's much better than yesterday."

"You know, you don't have to put a brave face on for me."

"Perhaps I am brave."

"Any normal person would need a month to recover from a fall like that. Guess you're not normal."

Seiya chuckled, then winced. "Damn it, Bun Head, I warned you about making me laugh."

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to." Usagi hesitated as she reached the end of the gauze, which continued below the hem of her loose-fitting jeans. To access it, she'd have to tug down Seiya's pants.

"Lean back a bit," Usagi instructed.

"Yes, Nurse Tsukino."

Usagi smiled, remembering the disastrous time when Minako had acted as her nurse for a day when she was sick. She consciously turned her thoughts to how much she missed her bubbly, blonde friend, whom she hadn't seen in months, to distract herself as she nervously unbuttoned Seiya's pants, inching them down. She quickly passed the gauze around, collecting the last of it and tossing it to a nearby trash bin beside her nightstand.

Usagi peeled off the bandage as gingerly as she could. This was the first glimpse she had of the mall monster's vicious wound, and the sight was jarring. 

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