Bonus chapter #5

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Tessa's POV

A few weeks later...

I can't sleep. I tried so hard to fall asleep for hours, but I just can't. I move from left to right, but it's in vain. Hardin is sleeping for three hours already, but I think I have insomnia. I should tell this to my doctor when we're going to my next appointment. Hardin wakes up and he goes to the bathroom, but when he comes back, he kisses me.

"Why you're not sleeping?"

"I can't. I think I have insomnia."

"We should tell this to doctor Robbins next time." He rubs my belly. "How's my girl?"

"I can't sleep."

"I know everything about you. My little girl."

"Oh... I don't know. I think she likes to keep mommy awake. It's not nice..." I put my hand over his and I feel a kick, oh... She started to kick two weeks ago and he is so pissed off because he can't feel anything.

"She kicked!" He has a big smile. So, he felt the kick.

"Yeah... And this is nothing, Hardin. She will start kicking harder."

"I can't wait to feel it."

"So... about the name? What we should choose?"

"I don't know... Jessica?"

"Mm, no. Karla?"

"Karla Scott? Sounds good."

"Or what about Emery?"

"I like it. Karla Emery Scott?"

"It's perfect, Hardin."

A few months later...

It's been two days from my due date and our baby is so lazy and she's not giving us any sign of coming in our life. We've talked with doctor Robbins and she told us that if in one week nothing happens, she will induce the birth. And to be honest, I'm a little bit scared of what will happen because I didn't have Braxton Hick contractions, so I don't really know how a contraction feels. But all I know it's that Hardin will be there for me and it's enough.

Kim, Christian and Smith, who is three years old, came to visit us this week and it's so nice to have them here.

Me: "She's so chill here." I rub my belly and she is kicking, as a sign that she like to be there. "She kicks again and again without a problem."

Kim: "Don't worry about it, she's going to be born soon. With Smith I had the same problem. He liked to stay there." She looks at Smith who is place with some trains.

Me: "I can't wait to hold her in my arms." I feel something wet on my pants. Uh-oh... I think my water just broke. "Uhm, Kim? I think my water just broke."

Kim: "Oh, God!"

Me: "Babe!" I yell and Hardin comes from his office panicked.

Hardin: "What? What's wrong?"

Me: "I think it's time to meet our baby girl. My water just broke."

Hardin: "Ok, ok. It's fine. You have any contractions?" He looks at his watch and I nod. "Good. I'm going to call doctor Robbins, ok?"

Me: "Yes."

After Hardin talk with doctor Robbins, he takes my bag and we go to the car. I don't feel any pain. I should be scared? We arrive at the hospital where doctor Robbins greets us.

Dr. Robbins: "So... you baby girl decided to come?"

Hardin: "We hope..." He keeps my hand.

Dr. Robbins: "A nurse will take you to the room and I will be there to check on you."

Me: "Good, thank you."

A nurse comes to us and she takes me in my room. After a few minutes, I feel the first contraction which is bad as hell.

"Ugh! Scott!" I take his hand and I squeeze his hand.

"Everything is fine, baby..." He says while dr. Robbins comes in my room.

Dr. Robbins: "First contraction?"

Hardin: "Yeah."

Me: "And it hurts like hell."

Dr. Robbins: "We're waiting the contraction to end and then I am going to check you, ok?"

Me: "Mhm."

After five long minutes, the contraction is over and doctor Robbins check everything.

Dr. Robbins: "You are lucky because the labor isn't too long. You are 8cm dilated and I can see that you are dilating very fast, so we're moving you to the delivering room. See you soon."

Doctor Robbins leaves and a nurse comes to us. She helps me to get dressed with the hospital gown and then she takes me to the delivery room. A few moments later, Hardin and doctor Robbins comes in.

Dr. Robbins: "Are you ready to meet you baby?"

Me: "Yes!" I say while Hardin comes next to me and he takes my hand.

Hardin: "You can do this, love."

Everything happened too fast and I don't know when our little girl started to cry.

Dr. Robbins: "There she is... Hardin? Do you want to cut the umbilical cord?"

Hardin: "Yes." He moves a little and I can see that his eyes are glowing. He cuts the cord and he comes back to me. "She's so beautiful..." He says with tears in his eyes while he kisses my forehead.

Me: "I want to see her."

Dr. Robbins: "Just a second to clean her a little and you will see her."

Our baby girl is still crying and it hurts me so bad... After the nurse cleans her, she puts the baby on my chest and she immediately stops crying. Oh, God...

"She's so cute, Hardin..." I feel a tear on my cheek.

"She really is..."

"And she's ours..." I gently touch her little back. "Welcome in this world, Emery." I kiss her forehead. "You have no idea how much mommy and daddy loves you..."

"Thank you for choosing us as your parents, baby girl..." 

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