Chapter 7

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Tessa's POV

"Next time when you want to cross the street, be more careful. You parents didn't teach you to cross the street on the cross walk?" He still has his arms on my waist and I'm still looking into his eyes. "Hello, I'm talking with you, Theresa!"

"I... I'm fine. Thank you."

"Do you want me to take you home? You seem to be scared and I think if I'll let you to drive, you won't come home alive. So, let's go."

"But I'm ok. It was just a... scare. Yeah! Nothing more. I will drink a little bit of water and I will be ok."

"You are stubborn. I don't like it. Please, come with me at my car so we can go together at home. I know you are my dad's favorite employee and I have to keep you safe. So, let's go."

"I'm not going anywhere with you."

"Please, don't be stubborn. I know I give you a wrong impression and I'm sorry. I want to be your friend."

"Ok, ok. I let you to drive me home, but tomorrow morning you will take me back here."

"Deal! Let's go to my car." We go to his car and he drives to home. "So... since when do you work for my dad?"

"A year and a few months."



"You're still in college?"

"Yes. I will start my last year of college in two months. You?"

"I just finished the college last month."

"What did you study?"

"Literature, of course. You? What are you studying?"

"English. I want to be a teacher after I finish my studies."

"Oh, cool."

"You, what do you want to do now?"

"To publish some books. I just finished writing one and I'm waiting for the verdict. My father decides to publish it or not..."

"Wait... You are Hardin Scott? You wrote the book We collided?"

"In person. Why?"

"I have your book."


"Christian gave me the manuscript of your book."

"And you read it?"


"And...? Do you like it?" He asks me a little bit too excited. I love his book, but I should tease him a little? Yes, definitely I should do this. I smile in my thoughts.

"I've read other good books." I look at my nails and I can feel him being angry.

"I think you are not good into a publishing house. You don't have taste in books."

We continue our way to home in a death quiet. I have to admit that his book is amazing, but I don't want to do this. Why? Because he was rude with me since our first meeting and I like to tease him, so Hardin Scott you have to wait until I will tell your dad that your book is great and he has to publish it. 

We arrive home and he gets out of his car before me. He ignores me. Oh, he said that he wants to be friends. He is changing like weather. I roll my eyes and I enter in the house. I go in my bedroom to change my clothes, after this I go in the kitchen to make something to eat. After a few minutes, Hardin come in the kitchen.

"Can you make something to eat, for me, please?" Wow, Hardin Scott has in his language the word please?

"Yeah, sure. Have a sit until I prepare our meal."

"You know where is dad and his blondie?" He asks me while he sits at the bar. 

"They won't be home until tomorrow. I think they will spent the night in town." 

"Great!" He gives me a big smile and he writes something on his phone and I know he's planning something. I'll keep my eyes on him. 

I made some pastas and we eat in silence. After this I put the plates in the dishwasher and I go in my room to take a bath. I need this. I turn on the water in the bathtub, I add some bubble bath and I go to take some clothes and lingerie. When I come back, I put my hair in a bun and I undress myself and I get in the bathtub. I stay there until the water is almost cold. I wrap myself in a towel and  I go in my room. I stop for a moment because I hear loud music coming from downstairs. What the fuck is happening? I get dressed fast and I go downstairs where I find a lot of strangers. Oh, no.

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