Chapter 23

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Tessa's POV

Friends with benefits? You have to be kidding me, boy. Why are you so stupid, Tessa? He just wants to fuck you and then he will leave you, so ignore that shit. You are too good for a guy like him. After two hours since I kicked him out, I heard the door and his car. So, he went out and it's just me at home... I go to the kitchen and I take a bag of chips and I watch some episodes of F.R.I.E.N.D.S. After a few hours I go to sleep.


I suddenly wake up when I hear slamming doors down stairs. I think Hardin or Kim or Christian wouldn't do that. Then I hear Noah's voice. No! I run to my door and I lock it with the key. I take my phone and I run to the bathroom. I know he will break the door, but maybe I'll be safer in the bathroom. I call Hardin's number because I don't know what to do. He answers me in the next second.

Phone call


"Hardin? Noah is here... Noah is in the house. He came after me... Please, come home. Help me. I don't want to be hurt by him, please..."

"Shh, Tess. I'm on my way home. Wait me locked in your room. I'll beat his ass!"

"Be careful, he's dangerous."

"Wait for me, Tess."

"Can... can you stay at phone with me? I'm really scared.

"Of course, I can."

"Are you alone?"

"No. I'm with one of my friends. Don't worry he's a cop and he's armed."

"Theresa! Where are you darling?!" He's in my room. Fuck!

"Hardin... Hurry! He's in my room. Please!" I say quiet. I'm so scared.

"We're here, Tess. I'll end the call ok? We will be in your room in a minute. Stay where you are."

"Please! Hurry up!"

He ends the call and I hear Noah in my room. He's coming to the bathroom door

"Open this fucking door Theresa! You have to pay for what your little boyfriend did to me. Oh, come on! He fucked you and now it's my turn to do this. I always wanted to feel you and now it's the perfect time."

"Leave me alone, Noah!" I say and then I hear Hardin's voice.

Hardin's POV

"You have the gun, right?"

"What the fuck do you want to do?" He asks me while we run to Tessa's room.

"Just shoot him if he does something." We enter in Tessa's room and I see that bastard trying to enter in the bathroom. "Go away, asshole!"

"What the fuck? What do you want?!" He turns to me and he has a knife in his hand.

"If you make one more step, I'll shoot you." I hear Tyler.

"I'll go, but the girl comes with me."

"Even in your dreams."

"I'll kill you. Both of you!" He comes closer to us.

"I wouldn't do that. Let the knife on the floor and put your hands up! The cops are on their way so you can't do anything."

"Watch me!" He laughs and comes closer to me. In just a second he stab the knife in my arm and then he runs. Shit!

"Go after him!" I yell to Tyler.

"But you?"


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