North Mammon Pt. 1

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I get up from the chair quickly before composing myself and calmly walking out of his office and to the room he headed into.

"Everyone Agent Del la Cruz, Agent meet the team." He signals before sitting in his chair and opening the new case file. I smile at everyone before sitting in an empty chair to the side. The same blonde woman from before walks quickly into the room and begins her explanation of the case.

"As much as we might want to take this case, we have to be invited by local authorities. I'm sure that this friend of your aunts is very concerned, but it just doesn't work that way." Hotch says finally looking up from his file to explain to the blonde woman.

She counters his statement by saying, "I called the police chief, he faxed over an official request for our assistance."

She grabs a remote and starts clicking buttons, voicemails start pouring out of the speakers and everyone leans forward trying to listen to every word. Once they were over there was something strange about them. Both voicemails were completely identical.

"Exactly the same." I state playing with the cap of the pen.

"Word for word" the blonde woman says before staring at me. "Im sorry who are you?" She asks before a scrawny boy with glasses answers for me. "Agent Del la Cruz. She's new." He says pushing his glasses farther up his face.

"Ah my apologies, I'm Agent Jennifer Jareau, but everyone just calls me JJ." She says giving me a small smile before continuing.

"Both were made on Brooke's cell,  it was later turned off and hasn't been back on. But Garcia has an open trap on the number when it does." She says pointing to a blonde girl with pink glasses and bright makeup.

"Ok guys, guys, not for nothing I remember my senior year in high school. Isn't it possible these girls just took off on a road trip?" A darker skinned agent asks the group.

JJ automatically turns down his thought and explained how one of them got full ride into Pennstate. She explained how she is similar to them, and would never do something foolish when they have soccer state championships coming up.

"Ok. But it's been five days...we might not find them." He counters leaning his arms on the desk.

"I don't think so. They were reading it like a script. They said 'see you next Friday' so we have till Friday to find them." A older man says.

"Two days." I mutter under my breath.

"So we're taking the case?" JJ asks before Hotch simply nods.

"Wheels up in 30." He states as everyone rushes outside the door.

The short blonde colorful woman comes up to me and introduces herself before giving me a tight hug. I stay frozen for a second before patting her shoulders awkwardly.

"Sweetness would you let her go. She looks terrified." The tall darker skinned man jokes as he throws a black bag over his shoulder.

"She does not Morgan! Sorry I'm a hugger." She states before walking away shoving Morgan slightly as she leaves. He pushes himself off the doorway and extends his hand to me offering me a smile. I return it and shake his hand.

"Derek Morgan, no preference in what you call me. Where's your go go bag baby girl?" He asks motioning to his bag. In a shocked manor I stand there and look at my small purse.

"Didn't think I'd go on the field this early." I chuckle and he joins.

"Yea that's Hotch, he just throws everyone into the field. Well you got time to go get it." He says glancing at the clock but I shake my head placing my hands in my pocket.

Profiling Love (A Derek Morgan FanFic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt