Chapter 7.1- Veram identitatem

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"Don't you worry, just follow everywhere I go.
Top over the mountains and valley low."

"Her True Identity"

"Let go of her, Kookie!"

Jennie shouted as she tried her best to untie Jungkook's grip on Lisa and while Dara was trying her best to pull away Lisa from him.

Jungkook's grip on her even become tighter as Lisa started to struggle to take a breath.


She kept calling in silence as she cry for him to loosen up his hold on her chest but this silent plea was overpowered by everyone's shouting near his ear.

He didn't even notice that Lisa was being in and out of consciousness for a few minutes before her head successfully drop on his biceps.

Everyone went shocked. This was not what they except this for.

"Look what you have done!"

Jungkook shouted angrily as he looked to Dara and gave both Jisoo and Jennie a side look.

"You have to understand Kook that we were doing this on your behalf."

"On my behalf? For what Jisoo-unnie? I am not coming inside unless you would promise me not to imprison her nor you would do anything that would physically and mentally traumatize her!"

"Kookie... I can't believe that you were doing this and being stubborn. Betraying us who had been with you all of your life just because of a woman you have met not long ago."

Jennie said those words as tears flowed on her cheeks. Her lips were trembling. She had never once fought with Jungkook and the two of them usually get along well. This was the first time he defied her as his older adoptive sister.


Jungkook licked his lips as he tried to support Lisa's limp body. He was feeling guilty for saying this to her and for fighting against them but he also felt co afflicted and felt sympathy for Lisa who showed nothing but kindness to him and everyone around her. He felt like if he would not defend her, she might feel lonely and felt like no one believe in her.

"I do this for a reason. Yes, we grew up together. You become my sister, my family...but at least I have you. I have Jisoo unnie... I have hyungs... I have my best friend, Rosé that would stick with me through hard times. We all have each other but Lisa has none.

" Put yourself in her position too, Noona. Feel her pain and frustration. Wouldn't it be unfair that you were accusing her without even believing in everything she was saying? Right now— what you were doing was like corrupt police officers who want nothing but to be done with their case asap by pointing their fingers at the most suspicious person even if the evidence are all lacking."

"You wanted to just get done with this and be back to your normal life without even considering whether Lisa was truly innocent! What if she was not behind all of these and yet she was scrutinised, killed, and judged, what would you feel?"

His words ran deep to the three women. Especially to Jennie who cares about him the most and whom Jungkook love and trusted the most. Jennie could not believe how her judgement towards her caused unbalanced and bias treatment and led to her and Jungkook's fight.

Jisoo was still feeling conflicted but she truly understand where Jungkook was coming from. Yejin felt the same and even took sympathy for the blind girl that was now lying in Jungkook's chest. Dara was the only one who was moved by Jungkook's speech. She was more logical and sceptical than all of them and she certainly no longer trusted Lisa after knowing her true identity. Amongst the four of them, she was the one who has more experience and has more knowledge with Angel eyed witches which Lisa certainly belonged to.

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