Chapter 6.2 - Consilium

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"The Plan"

"The stray clan had been secretive for a very long time so it would be very hard for us to track their activities."

Yeonjun repeated again and again in front of Namjoon and he just listened to what his assistant was saying. He already informed Jisoo about this information and he was still waiting for her response. The only ones who had the upper hand for an investigation were second-degree wizards and witches like Jisoo. At least for now, they were cleared of those blood-sucking vampires.

"Just don't take away your eyes from them."

"Yes, my Lord."

Yeonjun exited. He closed the door before Namjoon started contemplating all about this alone. Then his dear mysterious friend came knocking on the door, Namjoon cooly told him to come in and Jin walked towards him like he was inside a winter fashion show.

"Any news?" He asked.

"None so far." He answered back.

"Woah. I never thought something could be as mysterious as me."

He then pointed to himself and formed his fingers into a NIKE sign while wiggling his eyebrows.

"Ugh. Hyung, you're not even funny."

"Well, I'm not trying to be funny. Just want you not to be stressed out so much on this."

"Well, if you're the head of the clan then you'll understand how I feel. I'm not like you, hyung. I'm not a lonely wandering shifting immortal who only cared about himself and won't even speak about his mysterious past."

"Hahahaha! If you were me, you wouldn't also wanna talk about your past, Namjoon."

"Ugh. What a killjoy, hyung."

"Well, I didn't come here to destroy your mood. Besides, I advise you to take some Beauty rest. Your eyes started to look like someone punch you."

"Haha. Funny, hyung. I won't be able to sleep if I couldn't find the truth about this matter."

"Okay, well then. I must do my daily exercise then after you have found out everything—just tell me. Gotta ho, brother."

After he said those words, Jin shifted into a small bird and flew out the window while Namjoon tried to calm his nerves by massaging his temples.

'Ugh. This is gonna be a f*cking long day.'


"You two should be very careful on your way!"

Jennie shouted. Reminding her dongsaeng and Lisa to be careful on their way to the market while Jungkook just kept saying yes and that they would never lose their way. He was way too old and way too big to kidnap. Nothing would go wrong, right?

"Went home before 12!"

Jennie said once again. Jisoo just waved at them saying that they should not forget condoms while laughing with Jennie. Jungkook easily went tomato red. Lisa too.

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