Chapter 6.1- Quod Angelus Luscinus pythonissam.

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"Then Something came creeping, it told her..."

"That Angel Eyed Witch"


" I found it!" He exclaimed.

Both Rosé and Jimin looked at her grandfather as he showed him a book decorated with corals and seashells. This seemed to be the journal of his grandfather.

"Let's read it," he said before he sat down in front of them and opened the first page. This was the diary of a 15-year-old, Bobby, Rosé's great great grandfather.

March 27, 1906

Today was the most amazing day that has ever happened to me that I decided to use this diary of whom my father had gifted last well on my 15th birthday. I thought that keeping a diary was such a silly idea but now I finally ally fully understood why it was important.

Today, like every other day, I did my duty willfully and had surveyed the while seas and make sure no corals were destroyed. I bought with me, Ten, who kept on BLABBERING of how this was too boring for him. I didn't mind because I would be an heir soon and this sea would be a part of my responsibilities. We swim a few times before the day gets brightened and we have to go home.

Suddenly, a strong storm came on our way and I was separated from my other friends. My tail got stuck into one of the coral reefs as my body was tossed around by strong undercurrents. I thought I was going to die. That was until I saw her.

She swam coming at me. I couldn't see her face at first but once I did, I was astonished. Homage was the most handsome girl I have ever met! Her eyes! Oh her eyes were the most beautiful. The purest if the purest blue. I thought that looking at her had made me go crazy. She was surrounded by this beautiful halo and in the darkness, she shone the brightest. She hypnotized me as everything around me all turned to silent and even the ruffling of the waters, calmed as she came nearer me and grabbed the coral reefs that my tail had stuck with.

She grabbed me and since my tail was wounded, I could t really swim well and so she licked two of her legs and so long, I found myself admiring the dancing of her black hair by the water. I don't know how she did it but I was too sure that she wasn't a human.

Before long, I was lifted to the ground. She fiercely turned into a bird of some kind. I didn't even question it because I know that there was much Supernatural living in this world. However, it was my first time to see one of her kind.

Her wings spread with the haze of a golden yellow and orange with fire surrounding her. A majestic bird I could say with a crown surrounding her head, a majestic tail of reddish hue. Her form was as pretty as her normal form. I know from that on... I fell in love.

She put me on top of a rock and asked if I was okay. I couldn't speak as I was looking into her eyes. She was very beautiful indeed.

Just then, she grabbed my tail and whispered in some language I could not understand. Then the pain in my tail was gone and it went back to normal human legs. The wound vanished into thin air like nothing ever happened.

She looked at me and asked my name in which I told her. Then, she smiled and said her name but told me to not let everyone know who she was. She has the most beautiful name ever. Like that of a flower. Fitting to her since she also looked like a real flower. Delicate and beautiful beyond.

That was when I finally realized that she was Angel Eyes witch. I was speechless. How in a million years would a mere siren-like me meet an Angel Eyed Witch? No. Never in thousand of years. They said that if you saw one, be careful to not mention their name or you die instantly. I didn't believe much in that but now that I thought of it and now that she warned me about it, I decided to be careful from now on.

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