Chapter 1.2- Obliviscetur Identitatem

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"Forgotten Identity"

Jungkook was shocked by the sudden vision that he saw once his lips touched with hers. The vision was equally terrifying for him to see.

Who was that man Lisa was saying I love you with? Why he couldn't make out of the man's face? Why did it happen that way? What was wrong with him? Why did he even kiss Lisa in the first place? Was he insane?!

Was he really tired of their journey that he started to hallucinate? Yeah, that must be it, right?

Jungkook was taken aback on his trance as Rosé entered the tent carrying a pair of clean clothes. She was silent and whispered to him to get out so she could change the woman's clothes.

Jungkook acted weird saying that he could just change her clothes then and there, and Rosé's eyebrows wrinkled in confusion.

"She may be unconscious but she was still a woman, Kook. I will be the one taking her clothes. I don't trust you enough to let you change her clothes."

Jungkook sighed defeated lay as he went outside the tent and Rosé harshly zip the tent so he was aware that she was locking it on the inside.

Jungkook just secretly laughed at their small interactions before she was called out by his remaining friends.

"What are we gonna do to her once she woke up?"

Jennie was the first one to ask. She had been itching to ask this question ever since Jungkook tend the woman's wound. Jungkook was not pleased by the way his Noona reacted but he understand why she felt that way.

Who wouldn't be when you just saw a bloody woman lying on a forest floor, full of blood, as your brother tended her wound and brought her back inside your tent? You didn't even know who she was and what her background was. Of course, their reaction to Jennie was normal in a situation like this.

However, Jungkook had a far greater idea.

"Noona, I know you are worried but don't worry, I will help her every step of the way until she found her family. I feel like I have to protect her and you know what horrible things she might have experienced. We didn't even know if her murderer was still lurking in the dark. Lisa was in a vulnerable situation right now."


All of his friends said in unison when they realized that Jungkook even already knew her name which seemed a bit odd when the woman never really spoke the entire time aside from her nonsense whisperings.

"How did you even know she was Lisa?!" Jisoo asked.

She was curious too. Ever since she saw her lying on the forest floor and whispering words she understand somehow, her interest in the girl had piqued a hundred times.

She was curious as to why Jungkook knew who he was when she never really heard her say Lisa was her name.

Jungkook scratched his neck he avoided the gaze of his friends. He was now probably regretting why he said Lisa in the first place.   Week, the thing was ever since he heard her speak that word, it sticker on Jungkook's mind and no matter what he would do. He couldn't get rid of it at any time soon.

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