Chapter 2.2-Esse gratiae Et Mortalium

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"Supernaturals and Mortals"


When God created the universe, and it's all creation out of boredom, he created alongside humanity, supernatural beings that walked hand in hand with them in Harmony and unity.

However, unlike the Human beings that God solely adored and was given a task to take good care of the whole Earth, the supernaturals were tasked to look after a designated part in the world.

The serene role of the sea. Wolvepeople rule the land, and Angel Eyes witches maintained peace to the human race and the Supernatural world, despite them being invisible in the eyes of most Supernaturals.

They were originally angels tasked to look after the bad and the good, but God decided to make them the first generation of witches to look after humanity and so Angel Eyes all reside in the land above the Earth that were pretty much hidden in the sight of both humans and other supernatural beings. They were the only witches not allowed mixed breeding. One must stay pure to be called an Angel eyed witch or they will fall into the third category of witches. The lowest among us.

After that, the second generation of witches came. They were humans at first that was given a task to control a certain element: the Earth, the air, the fire, and the water. They were the only witches that know about the existence of Angel Eyes but they were forbidden to meet them in person. Other than sending them messages using their wielded magic powers.

The third generation of witches was hybrid offspring from the original witch lineage and the other supernatural beings they had mated with. Their power was not much as the first and second generation but they could still use their descendant's power, but not as much. Most of them knew how to heal, predict, and do telepathy when needed. However, their powers were hidden in the form of quack doctors, or a fortune tellers. They were the witches or wizards who interact more with human beings.

Not all Gods creation were great as when he created a blood-sucking monster who took over the land, killing many mortals, he had used every ounce of his energy to imprison them in his own power. They were locked there for a thousand years. The blooming population suddenly decreased and only a few survived that torture. It made the creature hungry for revenge against its creator. A mistake on God's part that he would later regret.

Now, for judgement and punishment, God created heaven and hell. He created the dark angel who would punish the human beings who are sinned they had not repented, and the biggest mistake a supernatural being had made. Satan's job was to punish them all and to let them suffer in the depths of hell for all eternity.

However, God underestimated the evil's power and would not expect that Satan wanted more than just that. He wanted to rule over the world.

That's the biggest mistake God has ever made when Satan took over the body of a young boy and would possess him anytime he was in his vulnerable state.

God noticed the corruption of Satan had made to this young fragile boy and so he asked his trusted angel to look for him and take away the Satan possession
in. The angel disguised herself as a human being and went to the same town the boy was in. He had grown up to be such a fine young man and he had been loved by the townspeople.

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