Chapter 4.2- Te invēnī

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"I Found You"


Lisa just finished washing the dishes but Justin still didn't come back for half an hour. He was supposed to be here by now like what he always do every single day but he still didn't emerge from the forest, and so she tried to cook the dinner early as she didn't have anything else to do. If Justin was here, he could have helped her by arranging the cut woods into a pile. However, he still didn't come home.

As she laid down the fragrant rice and the grilled fish she caught in the stream nearby, she had heard footsteps not far away from her. It had been three hours since he last left and she was thinking that it was him right now.

When she looked over to see who was the person that came this way, she was indeed shocked. She saw him, dishevelled and his long hair all full of dry leaves. His body was covered with blood.

She wanted to ask what happened but she senses immense energy minuting from her body. That was when she realized it was Satan himself that was projecting himself on her. She became instantly frozen on the spot.

"Why my little Angel? So you have recognized me then?"

Her gaze never leaves him as she listened to his voice. Nothing changes except his cold gaze. Lisa stayed on the ground as she held her chin up and look directly at those dead and cold eyes.

"Tell me, what you did this time Satan!"

Saran just chuckled at her and Lisa couldn't help but want to smack him in the face. He steps forward as he touched her chin while directly looking at her. He displayed her sinister smirk but Lisa didn't budge. She showed him how strong she was. God had given her the power to be so and she knew that no matter what Satan would do, he wouldn't hurt her. As God said, she has something in her that if Satan destroyed her and so he was destroying his soul as well.

He decided to observe her features for a bit before a genuine laugh escaped his mouth. Lisa was confused as to why he was laughing. Was something wrong with her face?

After satan had calmed down, his cold gaze friend to look at her as he spoke:

"God was indeed really clever to bring my bride here on the earth just to flirt with a human being. Hahaha! I don't even realize how he outsmarted me! What a pathetic!"

Lisa didn't understand his full meaning but she didn't want him to disrespect the mighty god-like that and so she napped. Telling him that it was him who was pathetic and not God.

"It's you who was pathetic because you even destroyed the life of this boy just to satisfy your selfishness! "

Satan seemed to not be a very fan of his words as he grabbed her chin and squeezed her cheeks so hard she felt like it was going to bruise.

"How much brainwashing has he done to make you defend him?"

Lisa didn't answer. She didn't want to. There was no brainwashing that happened. All God wanted was to save the boy and bring satan's back to hell but she could not understand how he was acting like it was the God who was the villain when certainly he was the villainous one!

"There were no brainwashing, you fool!"

"Ha. Ha. Ha. You're indeed a tough one like me."

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