Chapter 6.3 - Secretum Eius

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"Her Secret"


Jin was in his daily roving. He watched the people go and people went upon their daily lives as he Stand in a pile of electrical wires above the busy street.

Just like a chameleon, he also mimicked those around him. Watching as they go and watching as some bad happening below like thieves, traffics, hit and runs. He had seen everything in his thousand life on Earth. However, he was still searching for the smell of that particular girl.

The girl who gave him this power.

It had been a thousand years since the last time he saw her and her face was already blurred in his mind as one would when they have met too many lives in his entire life. However, the only thing that made him not gave up on his search was the memory of ger scent. The shawl she left was hidden well under a preservative he made himself. That smell hunts him forever but also calmed him. If he did not meet ger on that accidental day, he would never experience such a sad lonely life and watching as everyone goes and comes back to his life, bor would he have such a greater power than even the most powerful witch would never have.

Meeting her was both a curse and a blessing for Jin.

As he usually does his duty of scanning and watches as the mortals cope with the new horrors they were facing due to these vampiric creatures, a particular sweet but sickly scent hit his nose. The same scent he had been looking for for a thousand years.

"Is that...?! It can not be!"

He looked everywhere to looked for a trail of that familial scent but as quickly as it appeared, it quickly disappeared as well.

"This is so fucking weird. I swear I just smelled her a while ago!"

He was confused but his heart was filled with hope once more. No one ever smelled quite like her his entire life so he was sure that it was indeed her. It gave him another reason to never gave up his search for that one particular girl who influenced his life and change him forever.

"She's still around! She was alive! I can finally find her and maybe I could ask her to finally be able to let me go from this torturous immortal life. I just have to find her and ask her to lift this and I'd be finally free!"

Jin opened his wings and followed with fiery heart and determination as he scanned the area in hopes of finding her presence.


Lisa flew over with hazy memory of what had happened and only woke up from her trance when she fell off the ground and heard a groan beside her. However, before she could seep who it was... Her vision darkened and she was left with confusion and a terrible headache. The only thing that keeping her sane was to know if Jungkook was safe-whatever was happening to her, Lisa was sure that it was something out of the ordinary.


She called out again trying to look for where his hand was. He could hear his heavy breathing and some inaudible whispers that came out of his mouth. She could feel his distress as evident from his groaning and coughing but she was not sure how to treat him as her vision went blurred again and everything that happened seconds ago was a surreal experience to him. It was as if some other soul were driving her own body and she could not do anything other than to watch the scene unfold in her own eyes like she was watching a movie scene of another person life.

Everything happened so quickly that even after now that she was safe on the ground, she didn't know if what happened was just a dream or it was indeed a reality.

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