Chapter 3.1- Corium

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"Now and then she tried to run and then on the night with the setting sun..."


The ride going to Jisoo's ancestral home was quiet. No one dared to speak and no one opened their mouth.

Lisa was sleeping behind the back and her head leaned against the windowpane of Jennie's car.

"Are you sure this was the best we could do? I mean we can still go—"

"No, unnie. We already decided that we will do this. No backouts. Please cooperate."

Jennie firmly said as she held the shell tightly on both of her hands and her poker face tell that she was indeed being serious. The ride there was very long and far away. They even were out of the metropolitan and into the vast wilderness of trees and the only scenery you could see was a sea on the right side and a thick forest on the left side with ascending roads going from very far away from the urban community at the top of a mountain.

The light in the sky turned from blue to orange and red as the setting of the sun above the horizon could be seen. The concrete road was now wet, and muddy tracks of soil and dust as the car clung so well in a stiff accenting manner with every turn being carefully calculated, or one wrong move, they would all fall right into the abyss.

Not long after, Lisa woke up not because of the shaking of the car due to the unstable road, but mostly, due to Jennie's scream. She almost hit a deer and everyone's heart inside the car stopped for a minute before they all calmed down when the deer leap out of the bushes and into the forest, never to be seen again.

"What a fucking deer it was!"

Jennie cursed under her breath as Jisoo and Jungkook out hold their chest by the sudden adrenaline rush they felt on their system.

"Do you want me to drive instead, Jen?"

Jisoo offered, but the feisty girl just rolled her eyes and said, "I'm a capable driver okay? Don't be judgmental about that. Just because that stupid deer just leap out of nowhere I almost hit it doesn't mean I'm not a good driver. You're still alive at this point, so it means I did a great job not crashing the car"

Jennie's voice sounded angry, but it trembled as it cracked and her hands were also trembling with sweat all over her forehead. Jisoo never said anything after as she knew that Jennie was a stubborn brat who would never allow her to drive the car just in case she would instead turn around the car and go back to Seoul. She would not allow that to happen.

"We're almost there so stop worrying. Just try to text the others instead and maybe ask them where they were at the moment or if there were any progress."

Jisoo nodded as she also tasked Jungkook to text Yoongi and his pack as he also contacted Namjoon and Jin about their negotiations while Jisoo texted Rosé and Jin about the alliance they got from their families and other supernaturals.

Jennie started the engine once more and everyone remained quiet for the rest of the drive as they had reached a scary-looking run-down castle in the middle of nowhere that was adorned by creepy headstone figures. Jisoo sighed as the ground rumbled beneath them after Jennie turned off the car. It was quiet except for the few chirping the birds. It was as if they were inside the vacuum of space that most of their move could only be heard by them, but there were no echoes whatsoever.

Jungkook observed the tall grotesque looking mansion with six floors each. There was a garden in front adorned with blue flowers, but that was it as an angel statue was in front of a fountain just the middle of the mansion. The two ladies ahead of them seemed to be calmer than he was. He was already itching to ask the questions, but he decided to keep it inside for later use as the view from the mansion crept the hell out of him. He almost wished he was like Lisa instead.

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