Chapter 4.3 - Omnem Veritatem

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"The Whole Truth"


Lisa couldn't sleep the whole night. She kept on tossing around and the feeling of uneasiness grew. She couldn't take it anymore and unlocked the door. She realized she was alone and Justin was nowhere out of sight. He wasn't also in his usual sleeping bed which he made just outside the cottage. Everything was silent.

She walked towards the woods all alone in the darkest of the night. She didn't know where she was going as if she had lost sense of direction. She just needed to do something to get all the thoughts out of her head. She needed to find someplace where she can contact God without the need to go back to heaven.

She saw a clear spot. It was a plain field of sunflowers. She thought this was a good spot for her to use her power without anyone seeing her.

She concentrated on her surrounding. Feel the earth slowly move from its orbit to the sun, feel the wind coming from the east, feel the crickets and the birds. She searched for a connection from heaven and she imagine a door opening for her as she was greeted with immense Holy spirit.

Soon, a small ball of light formed into her own hands and all of her surroundings began to dim. It was as if she was the only one standing there. However, a voice of an animal on heat caught her attention and she was distracted.

That growl came from an animal but the smell was coming from someone who was in their mating season. Just then, she finally realized it was the full moon today, and a full moon was the mating time for wolves.

If they were unmated, they needed to lock themselves in a metal wall or else they would take any women on their path and materials with them instead. They ended up killing the woman in the end if he wasn't her mate or any other wolf that was why would people were very particular about their pack during a full moon because it would be very dangerous.

Unlucky for Lisa, she seemed to have encountered a rogue one that didn't have a mate to take care of him, and now the wolf was targetting her. This was indeed bad news.

She was not allowed to show her true angel form ( a white big dove with eight wings) because it was forbidden for them to show themselves unless they were tasked to send a message so Lisa could not save herself from being a victim to the lusty wolf. She didn't know what to do as she stared at it directly. Her legs were trembling. She started to regret why she chose nighttime for her to communicate with God. At worst, she didn't even know where she was and she was pretty sure she was very far away from her haven now. Also, Satan or Justin wasn't even on her side right now.

Lisa scolded herself for thinking of him. It was as if he was willing to help her when they were enemies according to her term.

"Justin and I were only one,"

His words rang into her ears once more. If Justin and he were only one then if she would shout loud now he might hear her. The only thing she needed to do was to run away with all her strength and maybe.. just maybe... He would come and rescue her. She ran as fast as she could as she heard the growl behind her.

"Justin! Justin! Please save me!"

She kept repeating on her head. She shouted with all her lungs hoping he would find her. Hoping that despite everything of who she thought he was, there was still something good and him.

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