⌜ chapter 52 ⌟

Start from the beginning

It was quiet for a few moments, just me running my fingers through his hair while he just stayed in the same position, probably sleeping.

"Did I do or say anything bad last night?" he suddenly asked, pulling away from me and scooting up so we were now eye leveled. Guess not.

"Welllllll," I dragged out, looking away.

"Oh god what did I do?"

"It's nothing bad honestly," I laughed, seeing his embarrassed yet guilt face.

"Then tell me," he challenged, his full attention on me.

I gave him some Advil pills with my glass of water, knowing he had a headache. He thanked me and took it before popping 2 pills into his mouth before swallowing it with water.

"Wait do you remember anything last night?" I curiously asked, emphasizing anything.

"I remembered that you walked away from me after I told you that you looked hot dancing at the show last night," he lazily smirked at me, his eyes lighting up, probably at the memory of me dancing.

I shook my head and blushed, slapping his hand away that was trailing up my arm.

"I'm sure you didn't do anything bad last night," I assured him, which he nodded at.

"And when we came home, I had to tuck you in and," I paused, grinning a little.

"I feel like this part is the bad part," he laughed, slightly shaking his head.

"It's not I promise," I reassured him, reaching over to play with his hair.

"Okay so I tucked you in and you said I love you," I started, remembering our conversation last night.

"So I said I love you back and you said Well I don't love you," I laughed a little, shaking my head.

"And I asked why? and you said because you love someone else," I say, letting my finger nails touch his scalp like I was scratching his head and I thought he would close his eyes because he liked that feeling but he kept his eyes open like he wanted to know the rest.

"And there's a saying, drunk words are sober thoughts," I softly say, looking at him.

He widened his eyes and looked like a deer caught in headlights, making me bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from bursting out laughing.


"No no it's fine," I laughed a little which made him look at me with confusion.

"I guess you thought I was another girl because I asked you who it was and you said Mady," I explained, smiling at the memory.

"So I said I'm Mady but you said I wasn't her," I continued, making him grin in realization.

"I knew you were in your drunk state so I went along and told you tell me something about her," I smiled, remembering his words.

"And what did I say?" he smiled, passion and adoration in his eyes.

"You said I was your beautiful girlfriend," I started, which made him humming softly at me like he was agreeing, "That I was funny, smart, very caring," I paused just like last night.

It was quiet for a few seconds, just me staring into his eyes.

"Was that all I said?" he chuckled with a slight confusion on his face while grinning.

"Well yeah," I laughed, shaking my head, "You became quiet all of a sudden so I looked up to find you sleeping."

He threw his head back in laughter while shaking his head like he couldn't believe it.

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