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This is not an x reader story.
There are no ships, everything is platonic.
Thank you for your time,
and I'm sorry I had to add this here.

The "Kid" is 16 years old.

Story may contain some triggers.

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"Oh, and a new family will be fostering you this month."

. . .

I stretch my arms above my head yawning a bit on an early Thursday. I then rub my eyes and look at the calendar. "Oh, it's today?" Then I look at my clock.

"Shit!" I whisper yell scrambling out of bed and rushing to put my clothes on, which consisted of a gray sweater that's not that thick or baggy, and jeans that aren't too tight. I put the clothes on neat but still rushed.

"I'm going to be late!" I whisper yell again, taking my duffle bag and backpack from under my bed. I quickly brush my short light brown hair and teeth then throw all my bathroom stuff in my backpack along with personal items, including Mr. Lion, placed neatly inside before zipping it up.

I take my folded cloths from their drawers throwing them in the duffle bag not caring that there getting unfolded. When I'm done I realize how flat my duffle bag is again so I throw my pillow in with it then zip that up.

Just as I zipped up my final bad there a knock and the door opens. "Oh good to see your awake." Mr. John tells me. "Do you want breakfast before you leave?" He askes.

I shake my head. "Nope! I already ate!" I lie happily. "Oh, I didn't see you tho?" He questions. "That's cause I got up early!" I lie with fake excitement, it must have worked because he nods his head and says. "Ok then, well the foster family will be here soon so please come downstairs soon." "Ok!" I tell him smiling.

As soon as Mr. John leaves, I drop my smile, grab my bags, and have a look around my room with a tired and bored expression. "See you next month." I say then close the door.

. . .

I sit on a couch with a coffee table in front of it then another couch facing mine, with my bags on the floor next to my couch.

Mr. John comes back in and opens the door to let in the new family. "And this is Alexa." Mr. John says gesturing towards me. "Hello." I smile and wave. "Hey." Two people say then sit on the couch in front of mine.

When Mr. John leaves the room the man with short blond hair and green eyes starts talking. "Well in Phil and this is-" He gets cut if by the lady next to him with dark shoulder-length brown hair and eyes. "I'm Kristin, Phil's wife, and your new girlfriend." She chuckles. I can't help but be a bit hurt, but also find it a little funny so I crack a smile.

"Well, I'm Alexa, nice to meet you." I smile and wave. "Nice to meet you to they both say."

"Well, we're going to be fostering you, for now, so want to go to your new home?" Phil askes. "Sure!" I say excitedly.

I grab my bags. "Need any help with that?" Phil askes. "Nope, I got it!" I say happily and follow them out of the room.

I see Mr. John so I go up to him. "Mr. John?" I ask, he looks at me and pats my head. "Don't worry Alexa there good people, I promise." I nod my head. "You still have my number if anything happens, but I've met them before, and they're not bad people." "O-ok." I say still nervous then hug him.

"I'll miss you." I whisper. "I'll miss you too." He whispers back. "See you next month I whisper." He chuckles. "Don't worry you won't be seeing me that soon." We let go of the hug and he pats my head one more time. "See ya kid." Mr. John tells me. "See ya!" I wave and walk over to the front door where my foster parents are waiting.

"Heh, sorry to keep you waiting." I say. "No worries, you were just saying goodby to someone you'll miss, that's sweet." Kristin says smiling at me and Phil nods in agreement.

. . .

I sit in the back of a silent car ride with my bags next to me. When the car pulls up to a house that's when Phil speaks from the driver's seat. "Were home." He says leaving back to look at me with a big smile so I smile back.

I grab my bags and follow Kristin up to the door as she unlocks it. "Welcome home!" They both say as Kristin opens the door to their house. "Wow." I say. Their house is kinda big, considering it's just the two of them. I thought it would be the size of an apartment or something.

I walk in after Kristin and Phil behind me and place my bags next to my shoes which are next to Kristins. "It's nice isn't it?" Kristin askes looking back at me. "Yeah..." I whisper nodding my head.

It was a two-story house but not too big. It wasn't made for big a family, more like a small one, not just a couple.

"Well let's show you around." Kristin clapped her hands together. "Good idea." Phil said. "Ok." I nodded.

"Well in case you can't tell this is the living room and kitchen."  Kristin said stretching her arms out gesturing to the room we were standing in with an open kitchen on the left and an open living room on the right. Against the back wall were three doors and a staircase.

"The first door by the kitchen is an office where we work, mostly Phil." Kristin said opening the door a bit so I could see a big computer set up.

"Right next to it is our room." Kristin opened the door so I could see a big bed and two more doors. "The doors in here are for our bathroom and closet."

"The last door down there is a bathroom without a shower." Kristin said pointing to a door by the living room. "This is the staircase to the second floor." Kristin said as we walked up the stairs.

"There is another bathroom up here for you with a shower." Kristin knocked on the first door in the right. "The one at the end is just the staircase to the attic, don't go up there without one of us it's not that safe." Phil said. "Ok."

"I've been waiting for this one, ist your room!" Kristin opened the door to my room. We all just stared at it. "Yeah..." Kristin said rubbing her neck.

My room was all bland and gray.
Bed in the corner on the right, desk a bit away from it with a small trashcan and nightstand in between. On the was next to the desk was a closet than a full-length mirror.

"We didn't know what you'd like." Phil sighed. "But we can get some stuff to decorate it if you want, doesn't that sound fun?" Kristin asked.

I walked into the room and looked around. "I like it" I mumbled. "What was that sweetie?" Kristin asked. "I-i like it, I like gray." I turned to face them a bit embarrassed. "Oh well then I'm glad we didn't do too much yet, but still I think you should decorate it a bit." Kristin said walking into the room. "Hmm maybe." I said thinking a bit.

Phil walked into the room and placed a duffle bag and backpack on the floor. "Here you go." He said. "W-what? When did you?" "Oh I just brought it up, it's not heavy so we might have to go shopping if you'd like.." Phil told me. "Maybe." I muttered.

"Well we'll leave you to get situated, you can come downstairs if you'd like when you're done." Kristin said leaving the room then Phil who closed the door.

The first thing I did when they left was faceplate onto my temporary bed. I was so tired, not from waking up early, well I was a little, but I was mostly tired from all that smiling and acting I had to do. Well, at least they seemed to like me like that.

I know Mr. John said these people were good, but he also said that about the other families too, and look where that got me. I just hope these people are different.

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Story trigger warnings:
Panic attacks
Anxiety attacks
Unsafe binding
Death mentioned
SH mentioned

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