And then it clicked.

"Holy shit!" Jinyoung's curse grabbed the attention of the two boys glaring at each other.

"Kangjoon must have tried to blackmail soobin!" Jinyoung said.

"What? Why?" Jaebum asked but jinyoung ignored him for the first time in his life and turned completely toward Jimin.

"Do you remember smoking in the library in tenth grade or something?" Jinyoung's sudden question caught Jimin off guard. "You, chanyeol, kangjoon and jungkook."

"I um, yeah, it was a one time thing." Jimin scratched the back of his neck.

"I don't care whatever it was, kangjoon has some photos or videos of you and jungkook and he said that he'll show them to his father if soobin rejected him. He'll ruin jungkook's father's reputation as well."

"What the fuck!" Jaebum and Jimin said at the same time.

"Exactly!" Jinyoung exclaimed.

"Shit! What are we going to do now?" Jimin rubbed his forehead running his fingers through his hair.

"I'm honestly so confused-" jaebum's statement was interrupted with a loud buzz.

The three looked around for the source of the vibration but found no one. Jaebum crouched down with furrowed borrows looking under the huge cupboard. 

"Guys.. there's a phone underneath this thing." Jaebum tries to reach for the device but it was too far away. "Fuck can't reach!"

Jinyoung, Jimin and jaebum put all their might to push the heavy piece of furniture. After a lot of grunts and growls they managed to retrieve the cellphone; they left the cupboard as it is without pushing it back in its place. Unfortunately the device seemed to have lost its power of working. The phone was switched off.

"Could this belong to taehyung?" Jinyoung asked inspecting the phone.

"He doesn't like iPhone." Jimin and jaebum said at the same time.

All three of them were taken aback.

"That leaves us with two options. Soobin and kangjoon." Jinyoung said

He raised his arm about to smash the damn thing but he was stopped by jaebum.

"What the hell are you doing?!"

"Destroying the evidence! What if this is kangjoon's and it has all those photos he's been talking about?!"

"And what if this is soobin's and has some proof against kangjoon?" Jimin reasoned.

Jinyoung growled in frustration.

"I hate saying this but, let's go find jungkook." Jimin suggested with an eye roll. 

Jungkook and his friends rummaged through soobin's homeroom but found nothing. They came to his locker next and began putting in the codes jungkook thought would work. After numerous trial and errors one seemed to be correct. Jungkook threw open the locker and fetched soobin's bag out of it. He emptied the contents of the bag; soobin's phone falling on the floor along with a few notebooks and a pencil case.

"Damn I don't know his password." Jungkook groaned. He tried his birth date but alas that was not it.

"Try your birth date? or maybe any one of your parents' birth dates?" mingyu suggested. This did not work as well.

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