Chapter 5 - Almost Private Session

Start from the beginning

"Hmm, you're still here Miku? Don't you remember that-"

"That's very honorable of you, Nino." I interrupted, "Tossing yourself to the wolves so that your sisters can tend to their own responsibilities."

"What do you mean tossing myself to the-"

"You're going to have to pay extra attention to this session so that you can relay the content to your sisters once they're back."

Her expression broke, that magnificent arrogance to shifting into confusion as she watched her scheme crumbling.

"Wait, I never said that I was going to participate in this."

"But this situation is far too convenient for us not to seize it. Seeing that neither of you have anything to do, we can dedicate more attention to both of you individually."

"I-I have stuff to do! I ha-"

"No, you don't." Miku calmly said, watching the betrayed look in her sister's face," Why don't we begin with Japanese history, Fuutarou?"

"Miku!?" Nino said.

"Excellent." I said, "Fuutarou can study with Miku while I review the content with you."

Nino turned to me, still trying to mend her broken plan: "I never said I was going to attend this stupid session! I won't."

"Not even when it's just with me?" That came out far more flirtatious than I intended. Both our cheeks began to redden, so to avoid further embarrassment, I added: "Well, maybe you think that the subjects are too tough for you."

Her eyes narrowed as she stared at me, the embarrassment still present, but gradually subsiding.

"Are you underestimating me?!" She said.

"Actually, it appears I overestimated you. It's not too late to back away though. You can always go with Fuutarou if you prefer."

"No, I prefer you. Shit! I mean-"

"Great! I prefer you as well." I said, further feeding the fire of her embarrassment, "Now come prove me wrong."

This is too much fun. Nino stomped her way upstairs to get her material. Fuutarou and Miku gave me a thumbs-up as I had expertly 'persuated' Nino into attending our session. This is as good as it's gonna get. We're not completely alone per se, but we have a lot of one-on-one time together.

She came back, begrudgingly clutching her notebook and pencil case, loudly dragging the chair near me across the floor as she sat down with a big pout on her face.

"Why are you smiling?!" She asked.

I wasn't even trying to hide my satisfaction anymore. I only noticed the silly smile on my face after she mentioned it.

"I can't believe that worked." I said.

"Don't get ahead of yourself." She flipped her hair, "Let's finish this quickly. My time is valuable."

"Sure thing princess. Let's begin by socials as well then, seeing that it is your weakest subject according to your test results."

"It's your weakest subject too! And who are you calling princess!?" She rebated.

"How do you know that?"

That observation did catch me off guard. I remember disclosing that information to Ichika, so unless Nino directly asked Ichika about me, she shouldn't have known that.

"Y-you complained about getting a socials question wrong, remember?"

That slight hesitation in her voice is quite a good sign. So is the fact that she remembered such a small detail that I only said in passing.

Butterflies [Nino Nakano x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now