Chapter 1 - Just a Treat

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Today was supposed to be a day like any other. Waking up at 6:30, dragging myself through my morning routine, and making my way to school. Today was the first day of classes. Typically I would be nervous about it, but honestly, absolutely nothing changes. There is so little variety in both the subjects and the people that I just convinced myself to not get anxious over such an occurrence.

Arriving at school, I scanned the hallways for any novelties, though the faces there were the same as last year, and I doubt that will change any time soon.

I left my backpack in my classroom, though before sitting down for my proper class, I wanted to pay a visit to Fuutarou, my best friend. It had been a while since we last talked and since there's still a few minutes before the beginning of the lesson, I thought it was a good idea. Unsurprisingly, I found him with his face buried in a textbook in the class next to mine.

"Sup, nerd?" I said as we exchanged a fistbump.

"Ah, Y/N-kun. How were your vacations?" Fuutarou asked me without taking his eyes off the textbook.

"Just as dull as yours probably."

"Mine weren't dull. I was-"

"Studying and working?" I completed his sentence, leaning against the desk by his side.

"Y-yeah... I like doing those things though."

"Whatever you say. Just remember to take a break from time to time."

"Well, and what did you do that was so dull?" He looked at me for the first time now, "Whoa! Have you been working out?"

"Oh good. Someone noticed," I said, "I've been trying my hand at the gym for a while now. Glad to see I'm getting notable results."

"I wish I could get like that as well. But I don't have the time."

"You do have the time. You just have to study a little less."

"I can't." He replied.

"Fuutarou, I've never seen you get a grade below 9.5. I'm sure that if you miss like four hours of studying a week you'll be fine just go for a jog every now and then." I checked the time on my phone, noticing there was only one minute left for classes to start. "I'll catch you later. I'll save you a spot at the cafeteria for lunchtime."

"Alright. See ya."

I returned to my classroom, quickly making my way to my desk as the teacher eyed me wearily. I sat down, leaned back on my chair, and patiently waited for whatever pathetic excuse of a first day of class we would have.

"Okay class, I have an announcement to make." We all turned to the teacher. "This year a new transfer student will be joining us. Please give her a warm welcome."

With that, a very attractive girl entered the classroom. She had long red pinkish hair with two pigtails on the sides, each tied by a black ribbon that resembled a butterfly. Her eyes were of a dark, shimmering blue color, and her smile... holy shit. My heart skipped a beat when I saw her smile. I take that most of the boys in our class had the same reaction.

"My name is Nino Nakano. I transferred from Kurobara Girl's High School. Nice to meet everyone."

"Nakano-san has been transferred here with her other four sisters, though they're in different classes. But she will be staying with us for the morning period. Be sure to make her feel at home here in our school." The teacher pointed at the empty seat in front of mine." Nakano-san, please have a seat over there."

"Thank you, sensei." She smiled sweetly, proceeding to make her way to the seat.

As she sat down, her hair whipped around with the elegance you'd expect from a shampoo commercial, giving out a subtle yet intoxicatingly sweet fragrance. From her bag, she pulled out a notebook and a pencil case, both with a very girly aesthetic.
Typically I would turn to Fuutarou with a dumbfounded expression, but we don't share the morning classes anymore.

Butterflies [Nino Nakano x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now