"I really want to see that." He stands up and he comes to me.

"Don't come after me, Scott."

"Why not, Young?"

"Because I'm not going in the bathroom with you."

"Young... don't play with me."

"Why not, Scott?" He sticks me on the bathroom door. Of course, we can't live without each other and I can't resist him.

"Because I want you."

"You have me."

"Not in that way, baby. I want you here, on this door. But you punished me and I can't do anything."

"And what if you can do something?" I smile and I run my fingers through his hair.

"I love this dress."

"You do?" I cross my legs around his waist and I move my hand down, I drag down his pants and underwear. He still keeps me on the door, but with one hand he takes down, to my panties and he rips the off. "Again?!"

"Sorry, baby." He giggles and he kisses me while he penetrates me slowly.


"No." He laughs and he continues in the same way and in this moment, I want to kill him.

"If you don't move faster, I promise to give you a real punish, Scott."

"Yes ma'am." He moves faster and he takes me to Heaven, as always.

A few days later...

"Are you ready for your first day of work?"

"Yeah... And after work I have my appointment to the doctor."

"It's a woman, right?"

"Yes, Scott." I giggle.

"Can I take you to work?"

"Nope. I'm sorry, but you won't be able to come after me. Maybe next time?"

"Ok. I love you and good luck at your first day."

"Love you! Thanks"

I kiss him and I leave for work. I had my interview five days ago and they hired me. And now here I am in my first day at work. I arrive at the building where is the publishing house and I'm greet by the secretary, Karina.

"Good morning, miss Young! Mister Hyde is waiting for you in his office."

"Good morning! You can call me Tessa." I smile. "And thank you." I go to my boss office and I knock at the door.

"Come in!" I enter in his office. "Good morning, Tessa. It's nice to have you here." He looks at me from head to toe. Ok, this is weird.

"Good morning, mister Hyde."

"Have a seat, Tessa. It's your first day of work and I will give you one manuscript." He passes me some papers. "I want you to give me a resume until the end of the work day."

"Ok. I will end it until then."


I take the manuscript and I go outside, to my desk. I start to read and it's a very interesting manuscript. After 4 hours, I finally ended to read the manuscript because it was easy to read. And I start to write the resume and I note a little personal opinion about the book and some things to change the book. At the end of my schedule, I am with the resume back to my boss.

"I'm done." I give him the stick.

"Good. Thank you. How was you day?"

"Good... Now, can you excuse me? I have to be somewhere in 30 minutes."

"Where?" What?

"Uhm, I'm sorry, but I don't to be mean. But I don't think it's your business."

"Oh, yes. I am sorry. I'm being indiscreet. Have a good night, Tessa."

"Thank you."

Ok, this was awkward. Why would my boss to know where I'm going? This man is so strange or maybe I am just paranoid. I take my things and I go to my car. I enter on the GPS the address of the clinic where I have my OB appointment. I go to the reception and I tell my name.

"Tessa Young, yes. Your appointment is in 10 minutes."


"Good. Can you come with me? You have to take a pregnancy test before."

"Ok..." She takes me to a room and she gives me a cup.

"You have to pee here and then come back to me. Here you have water to drink so you can pee."

"Thanks." I drink some water and I wait a little, then I enter in the bathroom to pee in the cup. I am a little bit nervous because who knows what could happened? What if I am pregnant even if I take pills? There were cases where a woman can get pregnant with contraceptive methods and as me and Hardin have a very active sexual life. I get out from the bathroom and I gave the cup to the nurse and she puts a stick in the cup.

"Now, we wait for five minutes. Are you had any symptom of pregnancy?"


"Well, then you shouldn't worry about this." 

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