Later in the afternoon, it was time for the big quidditch match, Gryffindor against Slytherin. In the changing rooms, (Y/n) pulled on her large ruby red quidditch robes while she chatted excitedly to Katie and Angelina. Once dressed, she grabbed her broomstick with her bat and walked out before the two girls. She saw the boys start trolling out of their side, all suited up for the game. However, she heard a familiar spiteful voice behind the stadium seats. It took no time at all to spot the long platinum hair of Lucius Malfoy who seemed to be scolding someone.

He started to march off, leaving behind whoever he was with. Curiosity got the better of the girl, causing her to walk towards the spot he left. The sight she found rather surprised her as she found Draco Malfoy in his emerald uniform, sniffing and wiping his eyes. "Rough pep talk?" She asked as he looked up rather shocked, only to calm down when he realised it was the gentle Gryffindor. He straightened himself out and cleared his throat "what are you doing here Finnigan? You should be with your team." His voice seemed calm, quite different to his father's and how he spoke to Harry and the others.

"So should you Malfoy, seeker is probably the most important position on the pitch to most people" he tried not to look at her, almost feeling ashamed. "Well, even though no one has the guts to stand up to me in this dump, after what was found a few nights ago, I know people avoid me because they think it's me, how can I possibly concentrate on a bloody quidditch match?" Hush fell over the conversation for a few seconds before the gryffindor spoke up "I don't think it's you." Draco raised an eyebrow to the girl. "Who opened the chamber, I don't believe what everyone says."

"Why wouldn't you" he asked, confusion fell over his face. (Y/n) looked him dead in the eye "Because I've seen how you've been spoken to, given I haven't met your mother, but if your father is anything to go by, I'm not surprised by the manner of which you treat other people." She placed a hand on the boy's shoulder to which he slightly flinched at, "I can see the real you Draco, I know this is a façade to keep your father happy, you can't fool me." She smiled gently and left the Slytherin standing there. Soon after, the match was under way, but unfortunately Slytherin had their A game on that day and were winning 70-20.

(Y/n) gripped her bat and gave an incoming bludger an almighty whack, causing Adrian Pucey to drop the quaffle into Katie's hands who sped off. Fred who was nearby high fived the young second year who giggled triumphantly. Something caught her eye though, a flash of red and green speeding off together. Harry and Draco soon came into view, both boys chasing desperately after the snitch. A bludger was chasing after them, one even crashed through the stadium wood in front of the boys. It missed Draco by a mere inch which threw him off balance, catching the end of his broom on a beam and somesaulting off it, landing with a harsh thud.

It wasn't difficult to see that this bludger had been tampered with, making the same sharp turn that Harry made. Eventually, she saw Harry fall to the ground on his back, the golden snitch in hand. Floating down to the ground, (Y/n) jumped off her broom and raced over to her friend before noticing the two bludgers falling straight towards the boy. "Harry look out!" She yelled, holding her stance and batting one of the bludgers away, while the other landed next to Harry's head, bouncing off the ground for round two. The other flew out of nowhere right towards (Y/n)'s head at full speed. She was sharply grabbed by the Weasley twins who pulled her out of the way just in time.

"Finite Incantartum!" A voice yelled a few feet away, belonging to Hermione. Everyone eventually rushed over to Harry who was holding his arm and wincing. "Are you alright?" (Y/n) asked with concern "No, I think...I think my arm is broken" he answered in slight pain. "Not to worry harry, I will fix that arm up of your in no time" the obnoxious voice of professor Lockhart sounded as he pushed through the crowds of students, casually shoving (Y/n) over in the process. She sighed but ultimately stood up, brushing herself off before hearing "Brackium Emendo!" and a few groans of disgust were heard from everyone.

The foolish man had somehow gotten rid of the bones in the boy's arm all together, leaving him with a rather flaccid limb. Later on in the evening, the honey blonde haired girl sat next to one of the windows in the boy's dorm while Neville put away his scarf and gloves in his trunk. Seamus and Dean were downstairs with Hermione and Ron while the duo upstairs sat in a comfortable silence. Once finished with his task, Neville walked over to the window and sat next to his friend who seemed a little lost.

"What's up (Y/n)?" He asked looking at the girl beside him. "Those bludgers were hexed, clearly going after Harry, I just want to know why one of them went for me as well, if it hadn't been for Fred and George, I'd probably be in the hospital wing as well, even possibly dead." She leant her head on the boy's shoulder who stiffened a little but soon relaxed into it. "Well your guess is as good as mine is, anyway, hopefully there won't be a repeat of it ever again, I know Seamus will want to hunt down who did it." He chuckled as he finished speaking. "Do you want to know Neville?" She asked shyly, blushing a little.

The boy's cheeks flushed a little pink "I-I mean s-sure, I wouldn't w-want any of m-my friends to get hurt." He responded as he cringed when he said the word 'friend'. The northern boy understood that it was too early to call his slight admiration for the girl a 'crush', nevertheless, he couldn't ignore the fact that she made him feel rather special. She too was in the same situation, but deemed it necessary to keep her feelings to herself as to not ruin their friendship. Neither knew of the others feelings, and that was how it was going to stay, for a while at least.

Both yearned for affection as most dream of at their age, however, their friendship was far too special and dear to the both of them. Neville wished he could share more with her, at least let her meet his grandmother one day, although it was hard to guess what she would and wouldn't approve of. Maybe even open up to his friend about his parents, but that was a sensitive subject, one not to take lightly. He didn't want to make her uncomfortable, instead, they just sat, staring out the window talking about whatever came to mind. It was perfect, that was how they wanted to keep it, but obviously, the duo became very oblivious to eachothers liking of the other, which didn't go unnoticed by the other Gryffindors in their year and those above.

She's always kind (Neville X Reader story)Where stories live. Discover now