"Hi uncle Dome. Sorry for your loss." Lily adorably said and gives a hug to her uncle. Forth and Beam is smiling watching Lily lovely gesture towards Dome.

Dome hesitated at first to return Lily hugs. He's not good with kids but its Lily, Moe's blood and flesh.

"Can I... maybe meet her sometimes. I'm afraid I got no one left after she's gone. Please Beam..." Dome pleas for an okay.

"Sure Phi. She's your family too... And.. Forth is suffering too Phi. Don't blame him for things unproven related to him. We'll find Moe." Beam trying his luck making Dome understand that Mook disappearance got nothing to do with Forth but maybe its too soon because he can see that Dome eyes instantly become cold and distant.

"Unrelated?! Moe's accident happened because of him! If she didn't drive his car that day, Moe wouldn't get in that fucking accident and lost her ability to walk!" Dome announced the real cause of Mook accident to Beam.

Forth for once was horrified beyond imagination when Dome without any resentment blurted out the secret he had tried sooo hard to keep from Beam, which if he can, forever! And the face Beam is making right now..... Oh God please just take my life now! Forth prayed.

"I know. And I blame that someone who tried to kill him." Was not what Forth was expecting coming out from Beam's mouth. He was supposed to be mad at Forth. Moe is his sister. His best friend.

"Moe.. knows? About the truth behind her accident?" Forth asked still feeling his stomach churning from the revelation.

"She's not stupid honey. She knows from the start but instead of blaming you, she rather see it as her karma for leaving the kids and she was also mourning Brian's death at that time. It kills her more than not being able to walk." Beam explain to Forth. Mook had told him about how she got into the accident and Beam was angry for a moment when he learn about the truth, but Mook assured him that she will get better and walk again but Beam must promise to forgive Forth.

Dome huffed gaping his mouth, unbelievable at the conversation happening in front of him.

"Don't say I didn't warn you Beam. I choose to not believe my mother but look what happen to her and my sister. The shooting, and these.. Its not a coincidence. Mark already pay the price Beam. Lily? You?" Dome trying to put poison into Beam's head while presenting Lily to the front so Beam can think carefully.

"Still I blame the person who did this Phi. Forth is the victim not the perpetrator. Understand that thoroughly." Beam didn't falter at Dome's mind play.

"Leave Lily to us then. We're her real family. I don't want her to get involved in any of this. Its bad already that her mother is missing, her uncle and grandma is dead, MURDERED!! She doesn't deserve any of Forth unlucky fate too!! So gives her to the Narinrak's to care!!" - Dome

A laugh was heard from the funeral service hall entrance after Dome finish his ranting.

"You're right. But not with the Narinrak's. The kids will go with me if you're worried about their safety. Well its Forth and your family that is actually having the streak of unlucky fates. So I think I'm the safest choice here." Kem said sarcastically. Who does he think he is trying to take his Lily from him.

"Tch!! And who are you?" Dome asked the stranger. He never meet him before in his life. What is this guy doing here and even dare to step in their family  matters.

"Not your concern. Lily, come here." Kem calls for Lily who is struggling to free his hand from Dome tight clutch to get to her father. Her Uncle suddenly makes scared the shit out of her.

"No!! She comes with me!" Dome said pulling her towards him.

"Uncle its hurt.." Lily whining in pain from the tight grip.

"Dome... let her go. She's hurting!" Beam screamed to Dome.

"Let her go before I break both of your hands you scum!!" Kem angrily spat at Dome.

"Son.. what are you doing?" Mook's father who just got in after sending his friends out was in daze at his son weird behaviour.

Dome eyes turns red at the sight of his father.

"Son? Son??!!! You have no right to call me that!! I'm not your son!! I'm not my mother son!! I'm not Moe and Brian brother!!!!" Dome yelled at his father in rage.

"What on earth are you talking about Dome?! We might not be blood related but nothing changes the status of our relationship." Mr.Narinrak tackle Dome statement.

"No!!! I don't wanna be related to you!! Or any of you!!" Dome continue to spit nonsense then..

"Arghhh!!!" A piercing pain suddenly run through Dome's hand making him groaned in pain but not enough for him to release the perpetrator.  The bite just cause his anger heighten making him unconsciously chocked Lily on her neck and ready to punch the frightened girl much to everyone terror.

"Dome!!!" Everyone was shouting his name to wake him up from his disoriented conditions.

Before Dome has the time to properly process his doing, Kem already charge towards him and punch him with all his might releasing Lily in the process. She was coughing for air on the floor the moment Dome's hand leaves her neck and Beam quickly get to her.

"How.Dare.You.Touching.My.Kid.With.Your.Dirty.Hand..." Kem repeatedly launching a punch on Dome's face and if its not because of Forth, the Narinrak's might be holding a double funeral right away.

"Father!!!" Lily screamed and settle in Kem's embrace crying immensely.

"You might be Moe's brother but I'm this kid biological father. Hurting her will cost you your life. This applied to Mark and Moe too. I'll get a restriction order against you for them. If I saw you go near any one of them be prepared to follow your mother footsteps." Kem warns the bloodied face Dome who face expression cannot be seen at all, camouflage by the injuries made by Kem.

Beam was utterly shocked by Kem sudden confession about the exact relationship he has with Moe and the kids. The father Lily said the other day turns out to be Forth's best friend, Kem Hussawee. Does Forth know about this?

Kem with Lily in his hug walk away from the scene before he kills the man for daring to touch his baby girl.

"I'm not sorry Dome. We come in peace but you... What were you thinking? This isn't you. I assure you, I got nothing to do with your mother murders. You know I hate her for hurting Mook so there isn't anyway someone would kill her just to get me." Forth relay his final words and pulls the speechless Beam out of the place.

"I understand you loves your mother dearly Dome but channeling your grievence into a kid, Gosh, she's your niece. Please say your sorry to them before you're being left alone. Kem Hussawee wasn't just a man we can trampled over. He'll do what he say, so mourn and when you get yourself back together again, see him and say sorry." His father walks out too leaving Dome lying on the floor  not even bothers to help him up.

It was silent for a while. Everyone has left.

"Haha...hahaha..hahaha.....hahahahaha.. Did you hear that mother? You're a grandmother to a twin. Gosh she's pretty like her mother isn't it? Should I raised her as Moe's substitute incase she didn't come back? Lily.. Even her name is pretty. Like grandma." Dome curled up on the floor, crying a river while having a dialogue with her dead mother.

He was indeed alone.




"You deserve what happen to you bitch!" A middle age lady said after she watches the news of the murder of Dome's mother.

"Mom!!!" Beam shouted happily when he saw her mother figure in Kem's living room. He and Lily race to hug the woman.



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