"Did they hurt you?..."

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Skeppy was about to start heading back to the camp when someone put their hand on his shoulder. Turning around, he saw the familiar creeper man's face.

"We need to talk, Skeppy. About, well, a lot if I'm trying to be truthful." He fixed his slanting crown as he strolled out of the clearing, Skeppy jogging to keep up with him.

"I already sent Puffy and the other to work on getting the bloodvine obsidian blocks. We need to-"

"It's about Bad. And your power Skeppy. C'mon. I need to show you something." Sam went down a small path in the spruce forest. Skeppy simply nodded and followed.

"So, what about him? All I know is that he's some weird egg servant now. Is there really much else about his current state that I need to know?"

Sam walked up to a tree as they walked down the path. A bunch of leaves stood on it. Pushing them away, was a trapdoor. He opened the trapdoor, gesturing to Skeppy to follow him.

Sam climbed down into the trapdoor's ladder as Skeppy climbed down after him. The climb door was long and dark but as soon as Sam reached the ground, the pressure plates triggered and the lights turned on. On the sidelines, Philza, Technoblade, and some pets sat in cages. A bunch of science equipment sat at the end of the room, with prime water in different closed off buckets sitting with it.

"This is a weird place..." Skeppy looked into Techno's cell, backing away as his bloody vines tried to grab him.

"It is. But it's the only place that's far and isolated enough from the camp that I can work on these things." He walked down to his equipment. "It's hard enough already to supply medicine and items to everyone."

He pulled out a book from one of the shelves and gave it to Skeppy to look at. Turning the pages, he saw a segment marked with a ruler detailing possible cures and treatments for the egg.

"I tried my best night and day and afternoon and evening nearly everyday, but I couldn't find anything. Except I found one thing." He pulled out a dog cage with two sleeping dogs in them. "Since the egg has more of a magic and emotional approach than scientific, I tried to put two of Techno's dogs that looked similar together and with some church prime water, I was able to get them cured. I tried two random dogs but it didn't work at all."

He pulled out another cage with seemingly rabid contaminated dogs with bloodlines all over them. "I feel like it's not the prime water that matters, it's the connection you have with the person or thing you're attempting to cure. Or at leas, having something connected to the person while trying to cure them."

Skeppy looked stunned as he watched the cured dogs in the cage run around and play with each other. "So what you're saying is the stronger the bond, the more chance it has?"

"Definitely. It would probably make curing Badboyhalo easier since you're literally his best friend. We still have to plan though." He sat on his seat, crossing his legs. "Oh yeah. And tell me more about your powers Skeppy."

"Oh! Well, I can blast out ice, life this!" Skeppy posed and shot ice shards out of his hand and into the floor. His hand grew red and purple, stinging like a thousand needles pricked him repeatedly.

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