"Find your home in the Eggpire!"

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All he could do was cover his head and hair in the purple cloak and put on his blue derp box as he walked down the prime path in the rain.

The air smelled of smoke and wet plants, the path stank of washed out potions and blood. It had been a long time since he walked on here, not quite sure if this was the last time he'd do so.

Sam- with the help of a remedy he made, cured him of the egg's influence. He was Skeppy again- blue skeppy again. Just the way he was before he was trapped in the egg.

Sam advised him to walk around wearing a cloak dunked and dried in some church prime water. Not that he knew why it would help him, but Sam knew what he was doing, right?

A red poster caught his eyes. Normally there were memes pasted everywhere in the server, but particularly this caught his eye.

Bad held his hands out, a red egg behind him. 'Find your home in the eggpire!' it said.

The egg. The eggpire? He remembered a weird egg he and Bad found deep in the mines. What eggpire?

He looked around even more. More was there. Different art styles but similar slogans and the same propaganda over and over again.





He didn't like it. He looked around, trying to find a distraction. That's when he saw it.

A bloodvine. No, bloodvines. They were everywhere. More than when he first saw it.

More than he could even count with his fingers. The rain had caused them to grow even more, and made them secrete a red substance.

Skeppy walked up to it and put his hand on one and took it off. He looked at his hand. Blood dripped from his index.

This, this wasn't right.

Rain dripped down the blue box he covered his face with. Where was bad? What happened? How did everything become worse than it already was?

Bad wouldn't let it get this bad, where was he?

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