"That's good. You can proceed with the first phase...."

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A plan not even a god leveled demon would expect.

Down with the eggpire today was.

Skeppy stood beside Sam as they talked with the phase one dispatchers. Although he was optimistic and high with excitement and overwhelmed, his heart sank as he thought about meeting Bad face to face after all this time on the run from him.

Sam assured him that with the weapons and enchantments they had, he was surely had the winner's favour. But each time he even had a thought about meeting him again, his heart twisted and sunk with fear and doubt when his face appeared in his head.

"I think we revised the plan enough. The boats are out docked, and your things are packed. Meet phase two and three back at the frozen lake portal immediately as soon as your target is neutralized! We can't waste any time with this, got it?" The figures wearing translucent white armor nodded, Sam putting his sword in his holder as he looked at the night sky.

It was the color of blood and blood vines, the moon sat shining like an orb of redstone as the stars looked down on the world.

"They know." Skeppy muttered, changing the tension from nervously optimistic to fear and doubt.

"That's no way to bring up the spirits of the-"

"We still have to be careful Sam. We may have an advantage in terms of our plans, but they have an advantage in terms of size and magic."

Sam breathed in and out slowly, looking away from the sky as he put his hands together, turning away to look at the first dispatched group at the portal, who were lined up accordingly.

"I made the plan clear, or should I say it again?" Everyone shook their heads. "That's good. You can proceed with the first phase. We'll go now and wait at the portal near Techno's house at the lake and wait for you to open it. Good lu-"

"Wait!" Sam turned to Sapnap, who ran out of the line, running to Sam's side as he hugged Skeppy.

"Stay safe Sapnap." Skeppy ruffled his hair playfully as he stood up well and and released him.

"I should be telling you the same." And with that, Sapnap ran back to the line.

"Okay. You may now-"

"Wait up Sam!"

"Jesus fu-"

Tommy ran from the backs of the two, hugging his friend wearing white armor.

"If you die, I'll fucking kill you." Tommy whispered, releasing Tubbo from his grasp.

"That's if you don't die from my nukes first." Tubbo smirked at him.

"Has anyone told you that you are a bitch?"

"You've told me. Multiple times."

"That's enough, they need to go, we're behind schedule." Sam pulled Tommy off, dropping him on the grass.

"But we don't know how strong the egg is in combat! I want to cherish my might-be final moments Sam!" Tommy sat up and went back to hug Tubbo.

"We are going to emerge victorious Tommy. Trust us." Tubbo hugged Tommy back. They released the hug, and Tommy went back to Sam and Skeppy's side.

"You may now proceed phase one of Operation Neutralize the Egg and Badboyhalo. Stay safe and strong. Good luck." The others far behind them clapped and yelled as Sapnap lit the portal with his fire, purple magic engulfing the dark purple blocks.

Blood vines came out of them as usual, searching for the person who lit it when it was cut off with the swing of Tubbo's axe, blood and vine flesh splattering on the portal.

"Let's go before more come in!" Tubbo hopped into the portal, followed by Sapnap, Fundy, and Ponk.

"I better get something from this." Techno jumped into the purple magic before Skeppy broke the portal.

"Everyone, put your armor on and meet us at the docks of Snowchester. We can't waste any time we have." Skeppy said, causing everyone to shuffle around back to the camp, getting their armor.

"Hey Skeppy," Skeppy looked behind him. Karl tugged his cloak, holding a small purple book.

"Yeah Karl? What's up?"

"Are you sure this will work?"

Skeppy contemplated for a moment. Not even he knew what the outcome would be.

"I'm not sure, but it doesn't hurt to give it a try." Skeppy's eyes opened as he realised something. "Shouldn't you have gone with Dream and Quackity leading the others to the main getaway boat? Why are you still here?"

"Because, well..."

"I mean, you can come with us now that we're leaving. The place where the boat is has a portal to it. You can access it when phase one opens up the portal." He passed him his white pickaxe. "They're even going to it afterwards. You can tag with them when we arrive there."

Karl's worried nervous expression changed to relief and calmness.

"Oh... Thanks Skeppy! I'll follow you guys. I think my things are already there anyway."

"No problem Karl. Now c'mon! We can't waste anymore time!" Dragging Karl along with him, he waved at the others leaving the camp with some of their things, getting horses, donkeys and dogs along with them.

The revolution had begun.

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