"I think you know why I'm here..."

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Time was tight.

And so was his promise.

He checked the watch on Skeppy's wrist. Five minutes left. Looking up, he already saw four nukes and two of them on their way to where he stood.

He held his body upright so none of his blood seeped into the ritual floor. He already felt himself weakening from the death of Skeppy.

"A promise is a promise, my beloved..." He said under his breath as carried his body away and walked out of the portal room to the tower.

"Close the ceiling, portals, ritual floor, and door to the portal room." The floor returned back into a normal carpet and all of the portals switched off as he heard and looked up to see the ceiling close.

The door shut by itself as he turned around to face the endless hallway.

"Take me to the Captain."

The hallway slanted into a staircase leading to a vine-covered door.

It was now or never.

The egg sat on a vine covered chair and was hooked up to wires and speakers that allowed it to talk everywhere in the building.

It must have sensed Bad with Skeppy's body and wielding a sword because it fritted nervously in the endless silence.

"Lost a friend I see? A lover? That boy didn't stand a chance. I am very surprised he was able to get me out of your bo-"

"I think you know why I'm here, Verin." The tension of the room rose alarmingly.

"Now calm down you little muffinfuck. I'm sure we can sort something out here! Maybe I can go through my portal or take back my vines? How about that?"

"He wanted you dead and that's a promise I swore over his dead body I'd deliver. The nukes are clearing everything so not much of a point in that either. I'm going to make you suffer the pain you made my friends and best friend go though for months unending."

'You can go through the prime church? Maybe let me live for experimenting?! Huh? How about that?!" The egg became more nervous as Bad neared it, angered and tense.

"Whatever god that looked over us in the godforsaken church is dead and we all want nothing to do with your sorry ass after this war ends." His blade rested at the top of the egg before he started digging it inside agonizingly slow. "Any last words?"

"I... I-"

"You're as useless as a red mushroom without a brown one. How sad." The egg shrieked in pain as he dug deeper. "I'll see you in hell if it exists."

And with that, soul fire erupted onto the sword and spread to the egg and its vines.

The egg's scream's filled the room for what felt like a lifetime. Bad enjoyed it, though the blood messed up his clothes.

His normally white hair and red horns were consumed in the flames and burned on without any damage.

Revenge for his beloved friend. Payback for taking advantage of him in his most vunerable moments and continually milking him dry for months and nearing years on end.

All of his anger.

All of his frustration.

All of his sadness and grief.

All of his confusion and regret.

He channelled it with his fire magic into his sword. The grief and anger he felt towards it was unending and constantly fueled why each scream it let out.

He finally took a chill and stopped, taking his sword out of the egg.

The end of an era.

The egg was burnt beyond recognition and the fire had blackened every bit of tas Bad left the room, calling for the self-destruction of itself in several minutes.

Bad made it to the balcony as he gazed at Skeppy's watch and looked at the sunrise and oncoming nukes. Barely two minutes left.

He was already limping and dying himself. But at least he did it with his most trusted companion.

Shielding Skeppy with his wings from the blast, he accepted the nukes with open arms, his final purpose fulfilled.

Phase three had been completed.

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