"I burnt it alive."

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Flames. Fire. Heat. Burning.

That's all Niki could hear repeatedly chanted in her mind. The crater core was dead, gone like dust. And she had killed it.

The fall of the eggpire, the fall of the empire!

Tommy and Ranboo quietly sat at a small fire made on the main ground as Foolish cooked up some food. Dream was tied up eating a piece of steak given to him. They were staying at an old abandoned house in what was once L'manburg.

Niki wasn't crazy. She just lost it in the moment. And now she watched the land ablaze in blue fire, it consumed the vines like a herbicide. They were just waiting for Sam, for the others.

Niki just sat at the porch, wearing a torn up L'manbug flag for warmth that the fires didn't give her. Her sword sat at the loose hoodie ends of an infected Punz, who scurried around trying to get away but was threatened with a stab, so he often stayed in place.

He was supposed to protect the crater core but failed miserably when an emotionally conflicted and cold Niki had a lighter and torch in her hand.

The red eyed man could only sit steadily, accepting defeat to her.

It was nearly to nine in the night, and the darkness and calm atmosphere was interrupted by a large blast in the distance.

"What happened?" Tommy walked up to the door, eyes widening as he saw the prison crumbled and in flames. "The prison!"

Ranboo and Foolish ran to where Tommy was, staring at the once proud and large prison reduced to nothing but rubble and bricks.

"Sam!" Tommy ran down the broken porch steps and got onto his horse. Ranboo and Foolish ran after him. Niki pulled Dream and Punz, who she tied up, onto her horse reluctantly and rode off behind them.

A familiar green man walked out of the broken entrance of the prison, carrying a girl with roses in her hair.

"Hannah! Is she okay? I haven't seen her in so long!" Niki ran to help her friend, who's hair was entangled in roses and vines.

"Hopefully. I learnt a lot about whatever the heck those demons are. They are quite interesting I will say." Sam supported himself on the rubble, tired and weak out of his mind. Did you kill the crater core?"

"I burnt it alive. Soul fire." Niki smiled as Sam looked behind her at the large burning bit she had made and simply nodded.

"That would complete phase two, and that means all we need to finish is..."

"Phase three. Skeppy, Puffy and you and Dream. But Dream's a bitch and you just fought a demon." Tommy put his hand on his shoulder. "Let us handle this. We got the skill and energy." He pointed at Ranboo.

"Who is 'we' Tommy?" Ranboo looked pissed, offended even. Tommy leaned onto him and whispered into his ear. Ranboo's expression cleared up and he nodded in response.

"Trust us Sam. I'm sure we can get this over with in no time." Ranboo pulled out his axe, awkwardly posing beside his friend.

Sam looked at them with one unbruised eye and gave out a hearty laugh. "Fine. But report back as soon as it gets too dangerous or you finish it up. And Tommy, I need to tell you something. Foolish, take care of Hannah please. And Niki," He tossed her a prime water bottle and pointed at Punz. Everyone got to work.

Ranboo got his things on his horse as Tommy came back after talking with Sam, getting on the other horse. They turned to the others.

"See you soon everyone." They waved as they rode their horses to the vine covered tower where Puffy and Skeppy were, hoping for the best outcome.

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