"Heads up diamond boy!"

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The portal room was weird.

There were portals that not even Skeppy had seen before, and there were shelves upon shelves of books in different languages and forms.

Oh Bad, what did they do to you?

"Been a long time, ruler boy." Skeppy froze a he turned to the entrance of the room, a fucking giant of his former friend walked in and closed the door.

This wasn't Bad. This didn't feel like Bad. Bad wouldn't act like this. Bad wouldn't do this. Would he?

His vision and imagery of his old best friend was heavily distorted from his trip at sea.

It was like he didn't know who he was anymore. Sometimes, he grasped at small memories of them playing around on Big Daddy Island, or mock fighting on the skyward island. He cherished them like netherite ingots.

Antfrost slithered from behind Bad towards them, a feminine but demonic laugh rang through the tower.

"Your friend destroyed my last chance at inhabiting a body, but that won't stop me from opening my last resort at saving this crumbling, dying empire."

Puffy and Skeppy held onto each other as the room started descending down into the tower like an elevator.

"I came here for the purpose of conquering this world and the people in it. But it seems like some people like to make it harder than it needs to be." The egg took a small pause before continuing. "My sisters came with me to build our kingdoms here. Something happened and I was turned into some weird egg while they became cores in other places. But because of your friends, they are no more."

"They were hurting my friends. They were manipulating people and tearing everyone apart. I just wanted to be happy with my friend, maybe renovate our home or move out a bit, but no! I have been a walking target for the past several months, running away from someone I fucking love thats being blinded by your weirdo magic!"

"Take a chill buddy," Puffy patted his back and whispered. "You could get us killed. We're surrounded."

"I know, but I want to speak my mind."

"I will beat your dead body if you get us killed."

"Noted, but don't be too rough with it I have potions :]"

"How did you-"

"Shut the fuck up and take your eyes upon the final plan of what this dead world will turn into!" They both turned in usion, in shock at the unlit portal that stood before them. Thousands of other portals made of different materials, both foreign and familiar lit up around and above them.

"Are you going to let them all in here?!" Skeppy backed away to Puffy as he looked around in horror.

"Yes! In every available demonic world I'm allies with. I rather not deal with you little shits myself anymore. I mean, I won't deal with you after Bad and Ant take care of you, but who am I to say?" It gave a hearty laugh before returning to it's usually calm state.

The base of the tower opened, revealing the dark crimson sky of the battle day.

"But as usual, blood sacrifices are needed, and I already killed most of the animals here. So instead of battling your useless bodies to the death as I originally planned to, I'll just use you. Bad. You know what to do."

For the first time, he saw emotion in his eyes, if hesitance was considered one.

He nodded, walking up to Skeppy.

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