Forth was shocked with Beam sudden consoling words. He doesn't expect him to understand him that much. Its enough with just knowing Beam loves him. His pain, he can handle it alone. Its been tough this past month with someone constantly trying to harm him and everyone beside him is paying the price instead of him.

That alone slowly killing him inside and it get even worst with Mark. Forth tears threaten to break out from his eyes feeling the pain again. He tried his best to be strong in front of Beam not wanting him to worry but....

"Thats it honey. Let it out. Don't worry. Mark is alright. He's a strong boy. He woke up last night and will be better in days. So nothing to worry." Hearing the good news, Forth let it all out and cried in Beam embrace.

"I'm not leaving you ever, lets just get married and live happily." Beam added kissing Forth hair.

"Gosh, are you proposing right now? Take it back. I'm not saying yes in a hospital robe. I already planned something more romantic than this." Forth said in between his sob.

"Nah.. this is my kind of romantic. You said yes now or forget I ever proposed to you." Beam said in a joking tone. Forth broke out the hug and wipe his tears.

"So I don't have choices but to say YES!! THOUSANDS YESES baby!!" Forth shouted happily. Beam is his everything, his world, his reasons. He was so afraid that he would leave him after the incident.

"I love you honey. Remember that always." Beam said before raining kisses all over Forth's face then finally his lip.

"I love you too baby. Thank you for being in my life. You're the best thing ever happened in my life. Please, whatever happens I want you to trust in me." Forth said and Beam nodded to Forth's statement before sealing the deal with a hot kiss and something more, before...

"No, No, wait up. No excessive movement honey, remember! So heal fast and lets bind you on the bed after that." Beam said waving his brows earning him a peck from Forth which startled Beam.

"On second thought...." Beam beaming his pheromones hovered on the injured Forth....



"Are you ready for your therapy session today? Let me send you over." Kem interjected Lily and Mook conversation.

"Therapy? Ahh yes.. therapy. I love my therapy. Lets go see the grumpy Dr Kittinan." Mook cheers with insincerity.

"Is he making you not comfortable? The doctor? Want me to change him?" Kem asked weirded out with Mook reaction to her therapy session.

"He's good. Fine. But I can go there by myself. No bother." Mook gives Kem a double thumb up.

"I insist. I got nothing to do today. Lets get you there."

"No!! I mean no need. Take Lily and I'll go by myself. It will be a long day, she might get boring."

Kem pretended that he didn't hear Mook and push her wheelchair to the physiotherapy floor with Lily in tow. Kem saw her chuckling along the way while looking at her mother.

"We're here for miss Mookda Narinrak appointment." Kem said to the nurse at the front counter.

"Hi miss Mook. I thought your....." The nurse stop when she spotted Mook. "Ahh yess.. let me take you there. Dr Kit is waiting for your arrival. This will take time so you can fetch her at 3pm." The nurse said to Kem.

"Can we join the session?" Kem asked again. Something is not right. He can feel it but...

"Boss I'll keep her company. Here Markie internal hardisk. Phi Wayo gave it to me yesterday. I guess you have something to do today anyway. So see you at three?" Lily chip in after not saying a word on the way there. In her hand is the internal disk from Mark laptop.

Kem took the disk and crouch down levelling Lily height then look deeply in her eyes. "Don't get involved in this. Anything you have give it to me. No secret. I don't want you to get hurt." Kem sternly said to Lily.

"Got it Boss. That's why I gave you that." Lily replied and kiss Kem cheek. "Go and come again at 2. You'll see a suprise." Lily whispered in Kem's ear.

Kem doesn't like surprises. He likes to know everything in advance. But he doesn't want to upset Lily so he just nodded hoping it was a good suprise. He stand up and go to Mook kissing her forehead.

"I'll comeback at three." He said shortly and go, leaving Mook frozen in her wheelchair blinking her eyes stunned by Kem bold gesture towards her.

"Did... he.. just.." Mook tried to assemble her words.

"He'll make a good father, mummy." Lily said fulfilling her promise to her father to help him get her mummy. Mook curiously stare at his daughter.

"You think so? But mummy doesn't know him sweetie. He kinda creep me out a bit, don't you think?"

"Em.. that make the two of us then. Haha.. But he's fine when you finally know him. He makes me feel safe." Lily added.

It got Mook thinking. Should he gave it a shot. Kem suprised her in many ways with his blunt attitude and authoritive aura.

"So what are we going to do here?" Lily asked her mummy.

"Hmm.. lets go annoyed Dr Kittinan." Mook said with her devilish smile.

"He is in his room. He just finished with a session." The nurse said to Mook knowing how she loves to tease the man.

"Ahh.. luckily Ming wasn't here today or I'll tease him to death. Haha.." Then she stand up from her wheelchair and tugs Lily hand walking towards Kit's room saying her thanks to the nurse for saving her ass earlier before entering Kit room.

"Hi Kittt!!!"


"What do you mean the kid is her's?" The person asked suprised at the sudden news he received from the informant.

"Send me all the information.!! The bugs on her house, retrieved it and send the contents to me!! ASAP!!" The person angry shouting resonate throughout the room, disbelief at the news received.

The room content then was smashed into pieces by the person before a knife was reached and continuosly being stabbed on a picture.

"How dare you betrayed me! I'll make sure you suffers.."


"Mookda Narinrak!! How dare you!!"

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