He just nods his head at me and I give him a soft smile. I walk around him to open the passenger side door and wait for him to get in.

Once he's in, I shut the door and make my way over to the driver side and get in. I put my keys into the ignition and start it up, but I turn my head when I feel Harry's eyes burning into me.

He's smirking at me and it seems that whatever mood he was in 10 seconds ago was completely gone, "I like your hair like that, it's pretty" he says as his eyes trace over my clipped up hair.

I raise my eyebrow at him, "You're drunk" I chuckle.

"Whatever, I still like it" He says still smiling softly at me. I shake my head with a smile on my face and begin to back out of the parking spot.

Without even thinking I begin driving back to my apartment, I didn't even think about asking where Harry lived. I still felt responsible for making sure he didn't have alcohol poisoning or some shit. God forbid I dropped him at his place and he ends up dead the next morning, I'd never forgive myself.

Suddenly music begins to fill the car and I turn to see Harry messing with the radio. He continues flipping through the channels, squinting his eyes as if he's trying to concentrate really hard to read the station numbers. He finally sits back in his seat and settled on a station playing "Mr Brightside". I smile at his song choice and turn my head towards him to find he was already looking at me.

"Nice choice Styles" I say nodding my head in approval as the song continued to play softly in the background.

"You know, usual the cliche storyline is the guy picking the drunk girl up from the bar, not the other way around" He says with a teasing tone in his voice.

"So your saying I wear the pants in this relationship?"

"Absolutely not" Harry says quickly and unamused.

I smirk and glance over at him, "I beg to differ" I say shrugging causing him to roll his eyes.

"You haven't even seen what I'm capable of, Darling" Harry says with a taunting voice. My stomach drops at the use of the nickname, but this time it didn't make me angry. In fact I enjoyed the familiarity of it, it reminds of a time before everything was so damn complicated.

His statement almost sounded like a dare, one that if he wasn't drunk I probably would've found myself wanting to participate in.

Before you say it, I know, I'm weak but I'm trying here okay? You're telling me you would be able to resist someone like Harry after you finally experienced it? The answer is no, okay? So get off my back.

"I'm taking you back to my place" I change the subject before Harry says anything he might regret. I know if I was in situation I'd be grateful he changed the subject the next morning.

Harry nods his head and hums in acknowledgment, as he rests his head on the window. The alcohol is probably making him tired so I doubt he'd even care were he slept at this point.

After a few more minutes we finally pull into the parking lot of my apartment building. Once the car is put in park Harry peeks his eye open and once he realizes we're, here he picks his head up from the window, rubbing his eyes.

"Come on, you look exhausted" I chuckle.

Harry laughs back tiredly and he goes to open his door and I do the same. I grab his wrist again in order to guide him, his tiredness making him stumble even more than when we were at the bar.

I have to admit though, he's being kinda cute right now. With his tired eyes and messy hair from resting it on the window. I've been finding Harry kind of adorable lately which is becoming and issue for me, clearly. He's adorable until he says something sexual, I hate to admit it but when he does that he's hot. The more I find him adorable the less I want to strangle him, which maybe is a good thing.

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