"Please call me Vera, this is my best friend Iliana" we shook hands.

He took us around the store, my hand gliding over many materials of every imaginable colour, after about 7 dresses and 1 bottles of champagne later we both settled on something.

I had chosen a long black sequenced dress with spaghetti straps and split at the end, it somehow reminded me of the night sky that I often adored with my mother when she was alive. The dressed hugged my body in a pleasant way, attenuating my curves and lifting my breasts.

My best friend on the other hand was sunshine in everyone's life she was cheerful, kind and had a very bubbly personality, she had chosen a baby blue dress which had a floral design to the top and ended with in chiffon skirt which also had a slit

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My best friend on the other hand was sunshine in everyone's life she was cheerful, kind and had a very bubbly personality, she had chosen a baby blue dress which had a floral design to the top and ended with in chiffon skirt which also had a slit.

After we paid and thanked the staff for their help we returned home partly tipsy, Iliana decided to stay the night which I was always elated to hear, we spent the rest of the night watching movies and gossiping, it was the only time I felt like a ...

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After we paid and thanked the staff for their help we returned home partly tipsy, Iliana decided to stay the night which I was always elated to hear, we spent the rest of the night watching movies and gossiping, it was the only time I felt like a normal girl.

The next morning I was awoken to the crashing sound of pans.

"What the fuck" I was NOT a morning person at all. Iliana was already out of bed so I groggily drag off my mattress and got into the shower readying for my day ahead. I trudged downstairs the many guards and soldiers stationed in and around the estate gave their greeting to which I nodded in acknowledgment.

I entered the kitchen to see chaos.

Maids scuttled about busily in preparation for tonight, there was endless chattering but that wasn't what the chaos was about.

"Ahhhhh Lotus that's where you were" I screamed at my cat she was brown and had specks of white, I grabbed her and apologized profusely to the maids for the trouble she caused.

After breakfast and my workout I did some paper work finalizing some deals and before I knew it, it was time to get dressed.

I took a showered and curled my hair ever so slightly so that the dark waves cascaded down my shoulders I didn't really like make up but I still did a very nude look to compliment my tanned skin and brown eyes. I strapped on some thin black heels and gold earrings and walked out of the closet to reveal a dolled up and beautiful Iliana she smiled gently at me.

"Your beauty is unbelievable" I said to her

She had natural blonde hair which she left, open her green eyes and plump lips made her look like royalty in my book.

"Standing next to you i look like Shrek Vera"

"Oh please" I rolled my eyes at her we shared a laugh and headed towards the door.

"Oh wait" I scurried back into my closet and opened the last draw of my dresser I pulled out a gold and white gun engraved with a "V". It was a gift from my father for my 21st birthday, though I only used it for special occasion not everyday life.

I hoisted the gun onto my upper thigh with the help of a garter and heard my friend sigh to which I replied "You know I have to Iliana

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I hoisted the gun onto my upper thigh with the help of a garter and heard my friend sigh to which I replied "You know I have to Iliana."

If it was one thing she opposed of it was of me putting myself in danger but she understood enough to never question it.


I kissed her cheek to dispel her worries and we finally left.


Okay so that was the first chapter I hope you guys enjoyed it, I already wrote the entire book so you wont have to wait, um I guess if you have any questions about anything myself included leave them in the comment???? for now i'll just tell you my name is vixen(she/her) and im 19, also if you like the chapters pls vote for them by clicking the star 🥺 Okay byeeee!

An Empire of Guns and Lies (18+)Where stories live. Discover now