I got breakfast afterwards, porridge and dumplings. I wish I had some ramen or some meat instead, but this will do. It's just an energy boost for Recovery Girl, because after a few minutes I ate she came in, kissed my cheek, and I fell back asleep.

The next time I woke was due to the slam of a door and many presences. I opened my eyes blearily, and sat up in surprise, only to hold back a painful groan.

"Don't sit up like that." Shoto reprimanded me as he came over to the bed and adjusted it so I could sit up without using my core muscles.

"I was just surprised." I whispered, taking in the smiling people as they filed in the room, crowding around the bed.

"We figured you'd be a bit lonely by yourself with ice man over here." Kirishima smiled, standing next to Shoto and leaned over the railing a bit.

"He is more talkative than you might think." I responded. I took in Kirishima's smiling face, Kaminari next to him, followed by Midoriya at the foot, Mineta being held back by Iida next to Midoriya, Tsu next to me on the opposite side of the bed.

"What are all of you doing here?" I ask, not in a rude tone but an honestly curious one. I never got visited in the hospital before. Then again, I've never been remotely close to anyone before.

"We can't just let our friend spend her time alone in the hospital." Kaminari waved his hand like the thought was a bad smell. "Though not everyone could come since their parents are still worried.

"But after what you did, I think at least a thank you is in order." Iida said, letting go off Mineta. 

"Kazama..." Three voices sounded out at the same time and I look to see Tsu, Midoriya and even purple-balls bowing. "Thank you very much!"

I just stared, my eyes tensing as trauma kept them from widening. "Y-your thanking me?" I sounded out, confused. I had never been... thanked before.

"Of course I am." Tsu said, grabbing onto the railing and looking down at me kind of emotionally. "If it wasn't for you, I doubt that either one of us would have made it out without injury."

"Yeah! That hands guy was about to grab me right before you attacked them! It was pretty awesome, being saved by a hot chick like you." Purple-Balls said and I sighed out. His pervertedness couldn't even be stopped for a second.

"And you were really injured when you did it too!" I look to Midoriya, an expression of guilt but determination on his face. "I saw what happened when the nomu hit you into the fountain. I honestly don't know how you could stand up after being hit so hard."

"Yeah, Todoroki told us the report of your injuries yesterday. How you got up after all of that and kept fighting... I would have been out from the get go!" Kaminari said, drawing my attention to him.

"And how you saved that explodo boy Bakugo was intense too. He was a bit upset though, but I think it was obvious he realized you saved him." Kirishima added on. 

"But from now on, don't put all the pressure on yourself!" Iida said lookin down at me intensely.

"We are your classmates and friends, you know." Tsu said, a small smile on her face.

"So from now on, rely on us. Don't risk your life when you have friends to rely on." Midoriya said, staring at me from the foot of the bed, determination on his face.

"You got that?" Kaminari and Kirishima said at the same time. All I could do was stare up at them in shock as the words flowed out of their mouth. I could feel Shoto next to me a bit surprised too, by the way his grip tightened on the railing.

"I-I got that." I stuttered out, my voice carrying out my emotion. They all don't want me to sacrifice myself... just like that angry Pomeranian that isn't here.

"Now... when are you getting discharged? I think we need to get you some real food!" Kaminari asked, getting a bit excited.

"Or you can be the snack you-" Iida smacked Purple-Balls' cheeks and I wanted to smile. 

"And how are your injuries? I know Recovery Girl can't heal everything right away, but she does heal pretty fast." Midoriya asked. I nodded my head, remembering that, already, he's been to the infirmary three times. In a week.

"Well, I'm being discharged tomorrow morning, so I won't be in classes. And my injuries, well..." I look up at Shoto, realizing he doesn't know how badly bruised I was. Well, I guess he'll find out now.

"My ribs are mending, the broken ones, and my spine is fine. It is the bruising I got that is causing the pain now. I had so much swelling from the injury and me misusing my Quirks that the bruises are practically black now." I tilted my head softly, feeling like a blanket was swept over the room with how silent it went.

Then the people exploded with shock and questions - asking how I feel, how painful is it, can they see the bruise (purple-balls), Shoto asking if he needs to freeze my body to stop the pain and I smacking him upside the head.

After calming my peers down, they left one by one, until it was just Shoto and I in the room. 

"Are you sure you don't want me to come pick you up tomorrow when your discharged? Do you know when you'll be discharged?" He asked for the fifth time today. I grabbed Shoto by the forearm and patted him softly, reassuring him.

"I will be fine. It's not like I'm going to be flying across town." I brought my hand away and motioned for my phone on the side table, which I couldn't reach. "And you didn't put your number in my phone, so do that." I tell him.

Shoto looked me over before sighing. "Alright." He grabbed my phone and put it in my hand. I unlocked it and pulled up contacts before giving it to him.

"You know," I started as Shoto typed into my phone, "I've never had your number before, despite knowing you since I was four." 

"Well, that's because we never needed to call one another. We practically lived together." Shoto said all factual. I nodded my head. 

"Yeah, I suppose." I sighed, taking my phone back and realizing there is no picture for his name. 

"So I'll see you tomorrow afternoon, after school." Shoto said, looking directly at me as I snapped a pic. A pic of his slightly widened eyes. My mouth strained as I involuntarily smiled. "Was that a picture?"

"Always need one for contacts!" I said, waving the phone. "I'll send you my info and a picture soon. See ya!" I waved at him as Shoto sighed and shook his head softly, turning away and walking out the door. Once he closed the door I let out a breath and stared out the window that showcased another building.

I was surprised to see these people today. Surprised for them to thank me. And even more surprised for them to emulate Bakugo's words about not sacrificing myself - just in a less dramatic but still heavily impactful way.

I guess my life is changing, now that I am at UA. Will I be able to keep appearances up, though? Will I be able to keep my pain a secret for a longer time? Or when it is finally told to them, will they still want to interact with someone as crazy as I am?

Who knows. All I know is, when I saw Recovery Girl entering the room with a check-board, that my future was as rocky as it has always been. Just this time, I don't think I'll be fighting on my own from now on.

Short chapter - I know and I apologize! Thanks for reading and enjoy!

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Short chapter - I know and I apologize! Thanks for reading and enjoy!

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