➳ a year from now

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one year later

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one year later

One year later and everything has changed since then. The police officially shut down Song Kang's house and word quickly got around before everyone found out the truth.

The police were able to find out that Minah wasn't actually murdered after they found a disturbing clip that Song Kang had recorded himself torturing her body. Ever since then, Minah's parents held anger in their hearts for Song.

Ye Eun was able to move out and live with her boyfriend, In Yeop, as she had refused to go live with her brother in Daegu, where their parents company was. She wanted to continue studying. However, after returning, Ye Eun got held back in her last year of highschool while In Yeop was already in his first year of college.

They still managed to make it work. In Yeop never failed to help her in anything she needed help with, and Ye Eun always gave him courage to continue when he wanted to give up.

Today was the day In Yeop would finally graduate from college. He had chosen a quick career he had always grew fond of and in order to officially begin making a home with Ye Eun.

In Yeop smiled at her. "Ye Eun, can I ask you something?"

"Yes?" Ye Eun asked, not peeling her eyes from the computer.

In Yeop cleared his throat. "What do you think of marrying me once I graduate?"

"Marrying you?" Ye Eun gasped, "R-Really?"

"Are you... against it?"

"Of course not!" She blushed once she realized she had spoken too loud. "The thing is, isn't it a little too early?"

"It's never too early to marry the woman I love." In Yeop laughed.

Ye Eun sighed, before she stood up and crossed her arms.

"Okay. I'll marry you."

In Yeop's eyes widened and he smiled like a little kid, making a victory fist bump in the air. "YES! Finally!"

"But! You can't ever ever leave me. Understood?" Ye Eun joked, smiling.

"I've always been by your side, Ye Eun." In Yeop said before leaning down to peck her lips. "You are the only one that matters in my life."

Ye Eun blushed. She smiled, nodding. "Thank you, In Yeop. I never had the time to properly thank you for everything."

In Yeop's eyes softened. He reached over and pulled a strand of her hair back before leaning over, whispering in her ear. "How are you gonna thank me? It requires payment, you know."

Her eyes widened and she turned bright red before playfully smacking his shoulder. "I'm trying to be serious here!"

"I'm kidding." He chuckled. In Yeop glanced at the clock. "We should get going now. Where's your brother?"

"He said he would catch us there."

"Alright." He said, smiling. "Let's go."

Ye Eun felt her nerves rise once In Yeop parked the car in front of his college. He unbuckled his seatbelt before unlocking the doors and facing her.

"Are you ready?"

Ye Eun nodded. "Yeah..."

"Don't be scared. If anyone dares say anything about you I will put them in their place."

"I know."

In Yeop smiled and leaned over to playfully ruffle her hair before they climbed out of the car.

Dohyun waved at them from the distance and hurriedly made his way towards them, hugging In Yeop. "Congratulations!"

"Thanks." In Yeop smiled, patting Dohyun's shoulder.

Ahnjong popped out from behind and smiled at Ye Eun. "How are you doing? It's been a while since we've seen each other."

"I'm great, thanks. What about you and Dohyun? How's it going with you two?" Ye Eun asked.

Ahnjong blushed a little at her comment. She shrugged it off, smiling. "It's going pretty good."

Dohyun and Ahnjong had been dating for several months now. She was no longer the flirt she used to be, and was now working on her own clothing line, each day striving to become a better person than she was years ago.

"I'm glad. Deep down, Song would be really happy to hear that, I know it." Ye Eun said.

Ahnjong's nodded. "Yeah... after breaking my promise to him that day... I feel extremely guilty. He would have never become who he was if it wasn't for me."

"Don't say that. The damage is done, and now we're all trying to find a new image of ourselves." Ye Eun explained, trying to console her. "After I had a miscarriage, I realized it. Life isn't easy, especially trying to finish college when I should be working by now."

"I'm sure Song would be happy to see who you have become now. He really loved you, Ye Eun. I know it might be hard to believe but I really believe it."

Ye Eun slowly nodded, remembering the great memories she spent with him. Even though she made horrible memories, Ye Eun couldn't forget that Song was deep down, a sweet guy who wanted the best for her. Even if he did horrible stuff to her family.

"I know... he never meant harm, but his mentality was preventing him from doing any good."

Ahnjong glanced over at Dohyun and In Yeop who were waving at them to come over. She smiled at Ye Eun. "We should head in now."

Ye Eun nodded, smiling back.

As soon as her boyfriend's name appeared on the screen, Ye Eun clapped excitedly. She watched as In Yeop walked up to the stage and retrieved his diploma before shaking every staff's hand.

In Yeop finally walked back to his seat, not forgetting to send a quick wave to her.

"I'm so proud of him." Ye Eun smiled.

"Soon, you'll be able to have your own diploma." Dohyun said. "Have you been deciding on what you will do?"

"I don't know, to be honest," she admitted. "I haven't spent much time like that. What if I never find my dream career?"

Ahnjong sent her a smile of encouragement. "Don't bring yourself down like that, Ye Eun. We believe in you. Just have faith in yourself and you'll be able to find what you love to do."

"You're right." She said, "Hopefully I can find my solution soon."

"We're here for you, little sister. You can always ask us for help." Dohyun grinned.

Ye Eun smiled. "I know."

As soon as the ceremony was over, In Yeop ran over to them and hugged Ye Eun, grinning from ear to ear.

She blushed and wrapped her arm around him. "Congrats." Ye Eun whispered in his ear.

"Thank you." He whispered back.

"Now you can finally move out of that neighborhood-" Ahnjong's eyes widened and she slapped a hand to Dohyun to shut him up.

Ye Eun rose a confusing eyebrow, looking up at In Yeop who was shooting daggers at her brother. "What do you mean?"

"I mean to keep it a secret." He sighed. "To be honest, I found our new house and we'll be moving by the next month."

"You dummy. Why hide it from me? That hurts."

"It was meant to be a surprise."

"Sorry." Dohyun chuckled. "Well, either way, I'm happy to know that my sister is in good hands now. Make sure you take good care of her, In Yeop."

In Yeop smiled, nodding. "Of course. I will try my best to bring her happiness."

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