➳ rebelling

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Dohyun had already finished packing to move out

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Dohyun had already finished packing to move out. Their parents didn't say much but went on to get the car ready to help him move in. When they asked Ye Eun to help, she had no option but to concede.

"Thanks, but I'll carry this." Dohyun smiled in gratitude and grabbed the box from her.

Ye Eun nodded. "Goodluck..."

"Don't carry that sad face. You can just ask dad that you wanna move out and he'll let you. You're almost nineteen, you know."

"I don't know if I should. We are in bad terms at the moment from the trouble I caused last time in school." She sighed.

Dohyun hummed in thought, until his eyes widened. "I'll try to convince him."

Ye Eun shook her head sternly, and he gave up. With a final nod from him, he held the box closer to his chest and walked downstairs.

"What's going on? Are you staying?" Her mother asked from downstairs.

"Yeah, I have to do homework."

Dohyun wrapped his arm around their mother and they talked between each other in hushed voices before she glanced back at Ye Eun and shut the door behind her. Seconds later, she could hear the car getting started before it drove away to the other side of the street.

Ye Eun had no homework to do, so she went back to her room and decided to call Junseo. Seconds later, he picked up.

"Ye Eun! It's the third time we're speaking on the phone." He chuckled, causing Ye Eun to smile.

"Yeah... what are you doing right now?"

"I'm doing homework. What about you?"

She laid on bed with the phone clasped on her left ear. "Nothing, just talking to you..."

The line on the other end of the call became silent, and Ye Eun smiled as she pictured Junseo's flustered look. "O-Oh..."

"Yeah. My brother finally moved out today. Hopefully things start to get less tense in this house."

"Can't you move or something?" He quietly asked, "I'm sure your parents won't mind."

She shook her head. "Never. I can't ask until I get on good terms with them. I wish we lived together though, because then this wouldn't be a problem."

Junseo quietly coughed in response. Ye Eun rose an eyebrow. "Are you sick?"

"Of course not... I miss you, Ye Eun."

She slowly closed her eyes, imagining Junseo's loving look. It made her heart race, something she never experienced with her past exes.

"I miss you more... i-is it okay if you come here tomorrow?"

"Aren't your parents home? Besides, I wish you came over instead." He whispered which made her blush to the hardcore.

"To your house? That's a little embarrassing... Won't your parents see me?" Ye Eun bit her nails in embarrassment. She would take on the invite any time but the problem was his parents, and whether they were even aware that Junseo has a girlfriend.

"Haha. I knew you'd react like that. It's okay, Ye Eun... I don't live with my parents."

"R-Really?" Ye Eun held tighter on her phone for dear life. Her face was on fire the whole time but she tried to control her steady breathing. "Then... who do you live with?"

"I live alone." Junseo whispered, as if knowing her perverted thoughts.

She awkwardly cleared her throat and nodded, holding her phone closer as if she depended on it. "Okay... I'll come over tomorrow."

Junseo sounded as flustered as she was on the call. "O-okay..."

Ye Eun couldn't concentrate for the rest of the day in school. She was so excited to go to Junseo's house until she remembered about having to stay afterschool.

In Yeop groaned. "Can't you just go tomorrow?"

"But I already told him I'm coming tomorrow." She replied with a frown.

"I mean, you won't fail if you miss this class. Just go and have fun." Minah playfully wiggled her eyebrows.

Ye Eun nodded. She stood up to walk up to the teacher until In Yeop grabbed her wrist. She turned around and looked at him.

"Don't go." He pleaded.

Her face slowly turned red as the classmates around them stared in curiosity. Minah was as shocked as she was and kept her stare on In Yeop's hand tightly grasped around her wrist.

Ye Eun quickly yanked her hand away, glaring at In Yeop. "Why not?"

"You're supposed to stay to get your grades up." He sternly said, not caring that the entire class was watching them.

"My grades are none of your concern. I might drop out anyway, so fuck school." Ye Eun kicked her chair away and stormed out of the classroom, ignoring the calls from both In Yeop and the teacher.

"Ye Eun!" In Yeop yelled behind her. She picked up her pace and fled to the stairs just before he got ahold of her.

Ye Eun never looked back. She kept running until In Yeop's screams were no longer heard.

The door slowly opened and Junseo peeked out in curiosity. "You came..."

Ye Eun didn't say anything. She walked right past him to the living room and took a seat on the couch.

"What's wrong?" Junseo shut the door behind him and carefully approached her, sitting across from her.

"It's In Yeop. He's so annoying sometimes." Ye Eun admitted, "I can't believe I used to have a crush on him."

Once she realized what she said, Ye Eun covered her mouth, blushing. "No... that's not what I meant..."

Junseo stared at her. She slowly glanced up at him, and set down her bookbag before plopping herself next to him. "I'm sorry... I'm just really mad."

"You don't have to be sorry." He smiled and grabbed her hand. Ye Eun instantly relaxed and nodded, hugging him tightly.

"I want to stay overnight, if you don't mind."

"Okay." He hummed in delight. Ye Eun slowly shoved him back and captured their lips in an instant.

Junseo blushed at the sudden action. He slowly lowered his hands down and kissed back feverishly. Neither of them stopped and weren't planning on it.

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