➳ murderer

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Dohyun forced out a nervous laugh

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Dohyun forced out a nervous laugh. "Y-You're what? What did you just say?"

"I'm pregnant..." she repeated.

"...Are you two fucking kidding me?!" He raged, causing the police to glance back at them, confused. "What type of joke are you trying to pull in a serious situation like this?!"

Junseo stepped in front of Ye Eun. "She's not joking."

Dohyun was perplexed. His shocked expression slowly turned into a angry one and he grabbed Junseo's collar, shaking him wildly. "You fucking bastard! What did you do to her?!"

"I'm truly sorry..." Junseo said as he sunk his head low.

Ye Eun quickly intervened, pushing Dohyun off of her boyfriend. "Please hear me out. I swear we did not want this to happen, we were careful but it failed-"

"Are you crazy, Ye Eun?! You just fucked up your own life!"

She nodded, sadly smiling. "I recognize that..."

Dohyun sighed, grabbing his hair in frustration. He shook his head. "If mom and dad find out... it's over. It really is fucking over."

"W-What should I do?" Ye Eun asked, "Please don't tell me you're going to tell them..."

"We have no other choice. You're going to have to abort it if you don't want to get murdered by our parents." Dohyun explained.

Junseo immediately shook his head. "No! Please don't. I promise I'm going tell them-"

"Junseo, please listen." Ye Eun grabbed his hands and stared at him seriously, "You don't know how our parents will react upon finding out I'm pregnant. They will do everything in their power to ruin my life and YOUR life."

But Junseo kept shaking his head. He hugged her stomach, sobbing his eyes out. "No... I don't want this..."

Dohyun watched them in silence. He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "While you two talk that out, I'm going to head back and explain the situation to my college. You need to stay in his house for the meantime."

Ye Eun slowly nodded with Junseo still in her arms. "I'm really sorry..."

"You don't have to apologize to me." Dohyun muttered and walked past her.

She sighed, realizing he was right. Dohyun got into his car before he drove out of the garage and into the street.

"Ye Eun... please, I beg you," Junseo said as he cried underneath her, "I beg you."

Ye Eun looked back down at him. She slowly got him to stand up and walked them out of the house and to the backyard.

He grabbed her hands, frantically looking into her eyes. "Ye Eun... please!"

"Junseo... I'm really sorry. I don't find anymore options." She softly explained, caressing his face. Junseo stared at her the entire time, wide-eyed, "Right now is just not the perfect time to have a child, especially now with my parents missing. There's two stuff I'm dealing with!"

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