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Ye Eun slowly shut the door behind her and immediately collapsed on the ground, swallowing back her tears

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Ye Eun slowly shut the door behind her and immediately collapsed on the ground, swallowing back her tears.

"Fuck. Why am I crying?" She angrily wiped her tears away. Ye Eun didn't notice how much she was shaking.

Junseo's weird reaction from the news of her possible pregnancy was what sent her. It was almost as if he was too possessive with the idea that she might be carrying his child. And Ye Eun didn't like one bit of that.

But on the other hand, she was upset upon his reaction when she explained why she couldn't have the child. Ye Eun was confused about the whole situation and she didn't know what to grasp out of it.

She looked up, scanning around for the living room. Ye Eun slowly got up and made her way to the kitchen, grabbing the random bowl of cereal that laid on the countertop from yesterday and started gobbling it up.

The sudden urge to throw up came and she gagged. Ye Eun's eyes widened and she attempted to run to the bathroom but before she could make it, she threw up all over the kitchen.

"No... please no." She cried, coughing. Ye Eun dragged herself to the bathroom and paced around nervously before she rinsed her mouth and started brushing her teeth.

"Fuck..." Ye Eun stared at herself in the mirror. The suspicions that she might be pregnant grew and now she no longer thought of it as an alternative to her nausea problems.

After rinsing her mouth clean, Ye Eun walked back out and cringed at the mess she made. She hurriedly grabbed a mop and started cleaning the vomit off of the kitchen's shining floor.

She headed back upstairs to peek inside her parents bedroom. Ye Eun made sure she checked every room to insure that her parents were indeed not home. She frantically opened all the drawers one by one before finally coming across the pills her mother usually took in the morning.

Ye Eun marveled the pill before grabbing the glass of water and gulping it down. She sighed in relief, hoping it could make some affect and it wasn't too late.

When the clock hit ten, Ye Eun headed to bed. She didn't call Junseo like she usually did, rather turning her phone off completely. Ye Eun felt that she needed to stay away for Junseo for a while so that he can hopefully go back to his normal self. She was too afraid to tell him about his strange behavior today.

Nonetheless, Ye Eun wished none of this was happening, and it was all a useless dream. But after pinching herself a couple of times, she realized she was still staring at her reflection in the mirror.

Ye Eun reached over to turn her lamp on. She approached her mirror and stared at her stomach, before lifting her shirt up and turning sideways.

"I do look pregnant... like always." She muttered. Her stomach felt soft, but it did feel a bit different than usual. Ye Eun could only hope that was only her imagination.

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