➳ In Yeop's neighbor

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Much to their surprise, people were already getting ready to leave, while others were picking up the chairs and bringing them back inside the storage room

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Much to their surprise, people were already getting ready to leave, while others were picking up the chairs and bringing them back inside the storage room.

Junseo faced Ye Eun, smiling. "I should get going, my friends might be waiting for me."

She nodded. "Alright. See ya."

"Is it okay if we can exchange phone numbers? I'd like to stay in touch with you." He blushed.

"Oh... sure."

Once they finished typing their phone numbers in each other's phones, Ye Eun placed her phone back in her back pocket and waved. "Bye now."

Junseo smiled, waving back before walking away. Ye Eun watched as he left, not before he glanced back at her and finally exited the gym. Just as she went to grab her phone to call Minah, In Yeop was already running towards her, frantic.

"I thought we lost you! Where were you?"

"Nowhere important. Where's Minah?"

From behind In Yeop, Minah waved her hand around, approaching her with a smug on her face. "So? How was it? You should really thank us for bringing you here."

Ye Eun rolled her eyes. "Oh please. I still wish I was home."

In Yeop frowned. "Who? I'm confused."

"A really cute-looking guy was hitting on her. I watched them from the bathroom."

"Meh. He was pretty good-looking."

"Did you two kiss?" Minah's eyes brightened in excitement.

"That's personal."

"Woah, by the looks of it, it seems that you did." In Yeop forced a laugh.

Ye Eun ignored their teasing for the rest of the ride back home. Dohyun had said that he was going somewhere else to eat with his friends after the party, so she wasn't concerned of his whereabouts. Plus, he was already a young adult.

Minah yawned and leaned back on her seat. "I'm about to fall asleep."

"Don't even think about it. I'm not carrying you all the way to your bed." In Yeop scoffed.

Ye Eun smirked at them. "Why not? You two would make a nice couple anyways."

"There you go again." Minah muttered, blushing.

"Why not? I'm telling the truth. You two have kissed more than I count, and yet you've never gone out."

In Yeop remained silent. Ye Eun glanced at him through at the rearview mirror and took it as a signal to stop mentioning the topic. She had a feeling something had already happened between them, but yet they never mentioned it to her.

"My neighbor is stopping by my house tomorrow, just in case one of you decide to stop by." He said after a couple of silent minutes.

Minah nodded. "Okay. At what time?"

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