➳ old crush

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When Ye Eun got to school the next morning, she stopped right at the principals office and apologized for the incident that happened on Friday

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When Ye Eun got to school the next morning, she stopped right at the principals office and apologized for the incident that happened on Friday.

Thankfully, they took her apology and decided to not press any consequences after she explained the rules she was expected to follow from her parents.

The principal had called their parents to make sure, and when her mother got into the call and confirmed everything Ye Eun had said, she had let her go to her first class.

Minah smiled when she saw her, and waved. "Ye Eun!"

"Hey." She smiled.

In Yeop sat on the other side of the classroom, staring at them. Ye Eun awkwardly looked away and sat down next to Minah.

"Are you two still in bad terms?" Minah whispered.


"Don't worry, you two will make up soon."

Ye Eun didn't reply. Minah glanced up behind her and Ye Eun turned around, only to meet Hwang in Yeop's eyes.

"Can we talk?" He asked.

Ye Eun reluctantly nodded.

"Sorry. I didn't think you would get in trouble like that." He mumbled.

Ye Eun shook her head. "I would have gotten in trouble either way."

"I heard they placed security cameras in your house?"

She pursed her lips. "Yep."

In Yeop sighed. "This is my fault. I'm truly sorry."

"Stop apologizing, I already said it's fine."

He glanced at her. "So, what's gonna happen with you and that Junseo guy?"

"What do you mean? Nothing has happened. We're still together."

In Yeop frowned at her reply. "That's not what I meant... how are you gonna meet up with him now?"

"Oh that?" She scratched her neck. "It's fine. I called my brother to convince my parents to remove those cameras, and they never tell him no, so it should be okay."


Ye Eun glanced at the clock. "We should get back to class."

"Alright. I can eat lunch with you and Minah, right?"

"Of course you can."

In Yeop smiled. "Great."

Ye Eun watched as he turned around and left, before she snapped out of her daydreaming session and followed behind him into the classroom.

Minah leaned towards her once she took a seat. "What happened? I didn't hear any screams in the hallways."

"We made up."

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