Pope took one look and turned his face away, his shoulders were shaking ever so slightly and I assumed he was crying.

I patted his back.

"It's all my fault Kie, all of this, I feel so bad" he sniffled.
"How is this your fault?" I asked softly
"I- I could of stopped him, I could of stopped him from taking that damn boat" he replied, still keeping his back turned to me.

"It's not your fault, ok? How could it be your fault for what the bastard did to his own son."
"It just is..." He trailed off, with his back still turned to me.

{ Narrator POV }

"We need to clean up the blood while he is still unconscious" Kie ordered
"Yeah ok" Pope said bringing out a clean shirt from his backpack and handing it to Kie.

"Sorry if this hurts JJ" she whispered. She started with his face, she wiped the blood off of his jaw and lip, then she moved onto the cuts around his eye, gently sweeping a bit of his hair out of his left eye which was bruised pretty bad.

She noticed that there was some blood dripping down from his forehead which was covered by his thick blonde hair. So she pushed all of his hair back to see his forehead, and her eyes widened in shock.

"Holy shit!" She exclaimed, her voice wavering. Pope immediately turned and looked at his head.

"Crap, now we know how he got his concussion" he grimaced.

His forehead was completely covered with bruises and a yet again, more cuts. Pope lowered his head and stroked his arm.
"I'm so sorry" he whispered, unsure of whether JJ could hear him or not.

Kie didn't spend another second waiting, she started cleaning up the blood that was slowly spilling out from a cut that was right in the middle of his forehead. Trying to avoid the bruises even though they were practically covering every inch of his head.

"We'll clean him up properly when we get back to the chateau" she added.

"How long do you think he has been unconscious for?" She asked
"Well probably about an hour" he said and judging by his bruises, especially the ones on his forehead, it will probably be another hour till he starts to wake up" Pope added

"We don't have an hour Pope, we have to take him now! What if his dad comes back!?"she desperately shouted

"Kiara, you can't lift up an unconscious person, he may have injuries that we don't even know about yet, and if we lift him up it may hurt him even more" he explained

She just huffed and started shaking him again.

"JJ, JJ wake up please" she begged.
"Kie -" Pope started
"Shut up Pope" she snapped, cutting him off "we can't sit and wait here, we need to get him up!"

Kiara was frantic, she had just lost two of her friends and she was not going to lose another.
"Please Pope, just-just look at him" I begged, my voice cracking.

Pope shook his head but looked grim.

"Ah hah" she suddenly said jumping up and running into the house
"Where are you going?" he called out to her.

She came back 2 minutes later with a cup of water in her hand.
"And what are you gonna do with that? Try and give him a drink?" He said sarcastically.

Kie rolled her eyes,
"No dumbass, I'm gonna splash the water on his face and he is gonna wake up"
"That's not how it wor-" he started but Kie cut him off

"- I've seen it in the movies like several times"
"Just don't drown him" he said shaking his head at the girl.

She splashed a little of the cold water onto his face and gave him a little shake
"JJ?" She said
"Come on dude wake up" Pope said, giving him a light tap on the face, avoiding the parts which are bruised.

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