Angsty Killugon Headcanons (TW)

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A/N: TW(mentions of depression and anxiety, nightmares PTSD)

• Whenever they have to separate, they get extreme anxiety and always have to have something of the others on them

• Gon sometimes has days where he's super depressed or anxious and can't hide it like usual. He just stays in bed all day and Killua refuses to leave his side and just stays with him. If it's really bad, he doesn't want Killua to touch him and Killua accepts that

• Gon has only cried once or twice to Killua (excluding the times in the NGL) and every time he does, it really scares Killua and he doesn't know what to do but just sit there with him, hold him, etc.
Killua is the more outwardly emotional one and cries more than Gon. Gon feels that he needs to hold all his negative emotions back 24/7 and be the ray of sunshine everyone wants him to be. Killua on the other hand feels that it's ok to show his emotional and vulnerable side to Gon and wishes Gon would open up to him more as well

• They both have horrible nightmares about hurting or killing each other or them getting hurt by something/someone else. When this happens they wake the other one up, and they don't even need to say anything to understand what happened. Then they just hug and comfort each other back to sleep

• After the split, Gon finally realizes that he loves Killua more than just a friend and regrets not realizing it sooner

• They both have extremely honed senses from training and also have issues with PTSD so when they're fighting or mad at each other, they make sure to not scream at each other to not hurt their ears (for Gon mostly) or to bring back flashbacks (for Killua mostly)

• In the show, Killua is obviously easily jealous of any friends Gon makes without him but the same goes for Gon. He is still really nice but always brings up memories between him and Killua when the other person is around to show how strong their relationship is

• Gon doesn't like Ikalgo because he's jealous/protective of Killua (also same Gon I fucking hate Ikalgo he is my confront character I would beat this off-brand squid wanna be up until he was squashed like the ant he is ugh)

• Gon never fully apologized for everything that happened at the NGL and Killua is still hurt by the things he did/said but he won't bring it up or tell Gon because he doesn't want him to be upset or try to remember what happened

• Killua didn't believe Gon when he first confessed his feelings to him and thought it was some mean prank

Hxh head cannons! Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin