Energetic Boy In A Meeting

Start from the beginning

"I only see Nerumi as a friend, that's it."

The black-haired male continued to walk down the hall, leaving the blond in his dust, once again. Hizashi caught up with him, placing a hand on his shoulder. Aizawa turned around, giving Hizashi an annoyed expression, feeling him get on with it. Before, he leaves him again. The blonde chuckled as he walked alongside Aizawa, whistling a catching tune.

"So does that mean you have someone in mind, Shota? I'm sure other males would like to get together with Nerumi without a doubt. Do you particularly think you fancy someone?"

"And what kind of question is that? Are you just wasting my time, Hizashi?"

There was no doubt that the tired male was irked and cranky again. Hizashi chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his neck. Aizawa sighed and refocused on the way to the principal's office. For some reason, Nezu had called all of them to met up in his office without saying why. Which made the male even more cranky, that he had to miss a handful of sleeping time.

"You know Shota. Go find yourself a good woman that would treat you right. But you should also make sure you treat them right."

Aizawa looked at the energetic from the corner of his eyes. Shaking his head he looked back ahead. "And who are you to tell me that. You basically had three one-night stands for the past week. Your reckless ass even forgot to use a condom yesterday. Got your head in your ass or something?"

"Shota! That was clearly a mistake. Gosh, you don't have to roast me so hard, you know?!"

They stopped in front of the door. They glanced at each other and nodded. The blond pushed open the door, putting on a grand entrance. He halted midway when he saw nobody was paying attention to him. He pouted and made his way to a chair, taking a seat on the comfortable couch.

Aizawa sighed as he knew it. It was going to be another long day just by looking at the room filled with people. Picking a corner, he stepped into his yellow sleeping bag. Wanting to take a nap before the meeting starts, he slowly dozed off.

"Hello! I'm so sorry that I had to call all of you here on a busy Monday morning. You probably heard the new rumor going around the school. And I'm here to confirm that it is true. Europe's number one hero would be joining us to teach out aspirin heroes. I would like everyone to welcome her with open arms."

"If that's all you wanted to say. Why did you call us all the way over here?"

Vlad King said, asking the question most people were thinking. The rest nodded in agreement on Vlad Kong's question. Nezu smiled, silence all the other teachers.

"Well. We have a special case here. Miss Shinsou was actually a student in our school. So she'll probably know some of you. This is what I want all of you to do...." The white-coated mammal continued on, elaborating on certain details. "Now. Do you guys have any questions about our new guest?"

Nezu scanned the room looking for any raised hands. But there was none. He nodded in satisfaction. At least he knew they understood what had to be done. He smiled at his employees as he took a sip of his freshly steamed tea, savoring the favor.

"Okay. So we may have run into an issue here. I don't know what we should let Miss Shinsou teach in a school for the time being. I was thought she could work alongside Yamada."

Hizashi perked up, jumping out of his seat in excitement. He fist pumped into the air, now running around the room trying to contain his excitement but failing completely. Nezu laughs a little as he watches the enthusiastic man run around his office. In the corner of the mammal's eyes, he saw one of his most trusted employees stand up.

"Yes, Aizawa. Do you have anything to say?"

"I would like Miss Shinsou to work with me."

Everyone in the room turned to Aizawa. Their eyes widened in surprise that the man would even suggest that. Hizashi halted in his tracks and just stared at his best friend, dumbfounded. Nezu smiles innocently in his seat, watching the tired man in amusement. Aizawa stepped out of his sleeping bag. The comfy material lasted onto him. But with a few shakes, it fell onto the ground with ease.

"And why's that Aizawa. Yamada seems pretty excited for her to join him in his English classes. I think she's most useful in that subject since she went to Europe."

"I thought so too. But thinking about it, I think she'll be more useful at teaching class 1a. She's the number one hero for a reason."

"Aizawa, I think you should calm down. After all, Nezu already made arrangements for her. I think it's best to listen to him." All Might be butted in, not wanting the conversation turning into a complicated fight.

"All Might, it's fine. I want to hear Aizawa's reasoning. Maybe he is right. He's teaching class 1 A, so he knows them best. Let's hear what he has to say."

"Thank you, Nezu. I really need assistance with the class. There are a bunch of fabulous students. But they could joke off too much sometimes. Also, there had been a lot of infuriation and villains attacking the kids. I think UA should not only be a place where we teach young heroes. But a place where we protect them as well. I hope you take my opinion into consideration."

Aizawa bowed and bent down to pick up his sleeping bag. Moving onto the nearest chair, situating himself down. Nezu nods. He clearly agrees with his own opinion. But Aizawa's words hit him hard. Especially, since Aizawa is the guy who wouldn't care about anything. This really made him think about his choice. Meanwhile, the energetic blond sat in the corner of the room. Sweating bullets and biting his nail, waiting for Nezu's final say.

"I guess Aizawa is right. All right, Aizawa. I'll place miss Shinsou under you. She'll be your assistant for the rest of the year. Make sure to treat her right."

"Thank you."

And right their Hizashi burst out crying. People ignored his hysterical cry as they filed out the room with lunch in their minds. The tired man walked up to his best friend, pulling him up from the floor.


"Get off the floor and stop acting like a crybaby. You have a class to teach. You're going to make me late too."

"Shota. You stoled her away from me." Hizashi mopped as he got drag across the room on his ass.

"You're delaying my nap time."


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