3 - Heywards Offer (part 2)

Start from the beginning

As soon as we got in JJ threw himself onto my bed " oh Pope, Pope, Pope" he said sighing.
"Yes" I said looking at him
"This is so fucked up, isn't it? All of it"
"Yeah it is"

"One day we're just the ordinary teenage Pogues just hanging out and having a good time, and then next we on the run from the boys in blue and now John B is gone" JJ stated.
"It's crazy" I replied.

We aren't truly devastated yet because the reality hasn't set in yet and it probably won't for a little while.

{ Narrator POV }

The boys just sat on the bed for a while talking about everything that had happened the past 2 weeks. "I already miss him" Pope confessed feeling his eyes getting watery.

JJ patted his shoulder
"Me too buddy, but ey you will always have me okay? I ain't going anywhere" JJ said with a weak smile.

After 20 minutes they were both asleep on Pope's bed.


The next morning at 10am Pope and JJ came downstairs to see that there are pancakes on the table "oh wow" JJ remarked sitting himself down and starting to eat.

Pope sat down next his blonde friend as they ate, they didn't realise how hungry they were until they started shovelling down the pancakes. Mrs Heyward just laughed at the two.

"Thankyou, Mrs Heyward they were delicious" JJ said taking his plate to the sink
"Yeah thanks mum" Pope added
"No problem boys, oh no JJ it's alright dear I will clean up"
"Ok if you insist" he replied backing away

{ JJ POV }

"Ah there you are" Heyward beckoned for me to come over.
"Hey" I said coming over with a small smile
"Ok son I have something to ask you"  he announced.

I became a little nervous, he isn't gonna ask about my dad is he? Pope walked into the room and took a seat on the chair next to me, I also decided to sit down. I nodded motioning for him to continue.

"So, JJ I know about your dad"
My breath hitched in my throat and I tensed, oh shit this isn't gonna be good.

"And I used to work with him and I know that he is uh quite the hot tempered sort of guy, isn't he JJ?" he chuckled

I nodded plastering on a fake smile trying to keep my breathing normal.

"Anyways I'm gonna cut the shit and get straight to it I know that he isn't exactly father of the year so, me and my wife had a talk and we would be happy for you to come and live with us"

Wait what? I released a breath which I didn't even realise I was holding in. "Are you serious?" I whispered
"Yes of course I am"
I looked over to Pope and saw his eyes widen in excitement.

"I um uh - I - I don't really know..." I stuttered.

How would my dad take this? He would for sure kill me if he found me? What do they know about my dad? I looked over to Pope eyeing him suspiciously he just shrugged his shoulders and gave me a thumbs up.

I hesitated further "I'm sorry.. but I can't accept" I spluttered " I just - I mean I'm fine with my dad and th-thankyou for offering but I don't think so.."

"It's okay I get it " Heyward reassured me patting my shoulder.

I felt sick, what does he actually know about my dad? Did Pope snitch on me?

"Ok but if you ever need anything you know I'm here for you" Heyward promised.

I threw my arms round him and hugged him tight. "Your always welcome here JJ" he added wrapping his arms around me. I pulled away after a few moments

"Your really skinny you know that" Heyward mentioned giving me a light prod on the stomach, I just shrugged.

"Sorry to break the moment dad"Pope strided over and placing a hand on my shoulder " but me and JJ got places to be at"

"Oh yeah of course you do, I was actually gonna ask you a few more questions JJ but I  guess it will have to wait until you get back" Heyward exclaimed.

"Well actually I was gonna go back home in a minute to like change and everything and than I will come out to the docks with you and Kie" I reminded them

"Oh ok" Heyward said
"Is it important" I asked
"Well I mean, not that much but I will be talking to you about it"

"Wh-what is it about?" I asked nervously
He sighed before replying "your dad"

I tensed. What the fuck does he want from me!?

"Like I said you are like a son to me and I just wanna make sure your ok"

I think Pope noticed the state I was getting into so he quickly said that we have to go and he grabbed me and steered me outside the house.

"What the fuck are you okay" he questioned
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine Pope" I replied trying to relax. Ugh why am I like this, I hate being questioned about my home life.

"Bro are you actually gonna go home! Do you know how mad your dad is gonna be we stole his fucking boat and it's not just any old boat man, it's a Phantom" he recalled.

"Pope relax!" I snapped grabbing his face and looking him in eyes "I'll be fine, okay? I'm just gonna go in get ready and come back out again okay man, he might not even be home for fucks sake!"

"Alright, alright just be careful, make sure your at the docks in an hour okay? Me and Kie will be waiting" he said.

I really didn't feel like hanging out with them at all. To be honest I just wanted to go and stay in bed, forever drowning in my sorrows.

But seriously how the fuck are people pretending it's fine. Or are they? Maybe I'm hallucinating.

"Ok I just might be a little late though, and if I am please don't come to my house?" I pleaded

"Hmm, we'll see, meet you in 2 hours at most, okay"
"Yep" I replied before starting to shakily walk back to my house.

I knew what was going to happen, my dad's gonna be pissed about what happened to his boat and I'm really going to be in for it...

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