I got into my room and had a shower, it was while I was dressing that Tumi and Gbemi barged into my room.

"No courtesy at all?"

"Yeah," they both responded before plopping on my bed.

I sighed before turning to them, "What are you doing here?"

They both shared a look before replying in unison, "What are we doing here?" Then they erupted into laughter.

I shook my head before pulling out a chair from under my work desk. Tumi opened her mouth to talk but the knock from the door beat her to it.

"Who is there?" Gbemi shouted.

"It's K.Y," the voice replied from the other end and they both whipped their heads towards me.

"Why is K.Y visiting you?" Tumi questioned.

"And who is K.Y?" Gbemi added.

"Come in," I said and the door swung open to reveal her with a tray. Gbemi and Tumi dashed me questioning looks which I ignored.

"Good afternoon," K.Y greeted.

"Afternoon," we all responded. Then she walked up to me and dropped the tray on the table.

"Your lunch," she said. Lunch even though it was past five.

"Thanks," then she walked out of the room with Tumi and Gbemi's gaze not leaving her till she closed the door.

"What's that?" Tumi jumped on her feet and Gbemi did the same, before I could blink, they uncovered the plate in the tray.

"Plantain and egg," Gbemi screamed. Immediately, Tumi picked up the fork, at the end of it all, I only had two spoonful while they ate to their fill.

"Ahh, God bless that girl, me that I've been craving for it before," Gbemi commented.

"But when did you start allowing other people into your room, most especially a new worker?" Tumi inquired.

I opened my mouth to respond but another knock sounded from the door, not waiting for my response, Tumi replied and the door opened to reveal the entrance of our mother. My face turned to a frown that instant.

"What do you want?" My voice came out harshly.

"We'll be having dinner with the Chukuma's and I want you to be present," she announced and I scoffed.

"And if I don't?"

"Oluwatise, don't make this hard for me, I'll be expecting you downstairs soon," then she walked out of the room without waiting for my response.

I squeezed my face while Tumi and Gbemi decided to leave the room. After heaving and in order to get rid of my annoyance, I decided to study a little for my upcoming test so far the dinner was still in an hour.

"I'm here to ask for what you'll like to have for dinner," K.Y said after receiving my response to come in an hour after I'd started studying.

"You don't have to worry about that, I'll be having dinner with others," I responded before closing my book.

"Okay then," and she turned to leave, I opened my mouth to talk but Amara stepped into the room.

"Hey babe," she greeted with a wide grin and that caught me off guard. She rarely smiled let alone grin, to other people she was this quiet and gentle girl but to people like me, she was just a green snake under the green grass.

I noticed her waving at K.Y who was somehow confused, definitely Amara was happy today then she walked up to me.

"This one that you look so cheerful, what's the occasion?" I teased and she smiled before jumping on my bed. My bed has really suffered today ooo.

"I got a new boyfriend and I just signed an ambassadorial deal," she announced gleefully.

"Congrats, is that why you didn't come to school today?" I asked with raised brows and she shook her head.

"Kinda, I only had one lecture today though, it won't do me any harm to miss it, I'm not like you," she eyed me after making the latter statement.

"Anyway, who is this new boyfriend? I mean you and Raheem just got together last two weeks and you've broken up?"

She crossed her legs and that made her short green gown move up a bit revealing her fair thigh, she had the same skin as Tumi and Gbemi and she knew how to flaunt it, she was always dressing in revealing clothes that attracted many guys to her even though she was picky about her choices, she changes them like clothes.

"Oh please, I got tired of Raheem, he's too clingy and you know I only dated him out of pity," she responded and I nodded. Typical of her.

"And this new guy?"

Her face flushed before she replied, "He's handsome, he just joined us though, a new D.E student and before other girls start claiming him as theirs, I'll have my share of him."

"Amara, you can never change."

"Of course, I'm not like you, thank goodness you're already going back to your former self."

"Thank you, anyway, what's this dinner for?"

She lifted her exposed shoulder that only had a tiny hand from the gown in a half shrug, "What else? Business of course."

And indeed it was about business. The dinner had our parents discussing about business, my mom and her boyfriend wanted Amara's parents to invest in the company, I didn't quite get a hang of everything though but basically it was about investment. Amara's parents owned the university we attended likewise Tumi and Karen's secondary school amongst many other business so they were wealthier than us.

While they discussed business with Mom's boyfriend having the gut to intervene, Amara, Tumi, Gbemi, Karen and I just ate in silence though we all tried to grasp their discussion.

Gbemi's picture has been added to the Cast.
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