Song For This Chapter:

Therefore I am- Billie Eilish

"I'm not your friend or anything, damn
You think that you're the man
I think, therefore, I am"

Darlene's POV:

I'm locking all the doors to locker room, which means all that is left to do before I can leave is wait for this storm to pass. I had to prop open the door to the hallway to let as much light in as I could.

I would just hide out in the women's locker room but since the power is out and it's completely dark if I close the door so I'll pass. Being alone in a dark locker room would just creep me out, it's not exactly an ideal hangout spot.

I've heard enough ghost stories about demons that possess mirrors and shit, so I won't be doing that no matter how much Harry may annoy me.

I turn the key on the last door I need to lock, three damn entrances is kinda excessive if you ask me.

I was about to make my way back to the the longue where Harry is, but then the minimal light that was coming begins to fade and suddenly I hear the door click closed. I must've not jammed the stopper under the door enough.

You have got to be kidding me right now.

I can't see a damn thing. This day couldn't get any worse, I'm just mad at the universe right now to be quite honest. But the last thing I need is to get possessed by Bloody Mary, that story terrified me as a kid. So maybe this day actually could get worse.

I sigh, slowly trying to make my way to the door by memory. I'm trying to calm my nerves as well. I'm technically an adult but complete darkness is still scary no matter how old you are.

I walk with my hands out in front of me like a zombie, I feel like an idiot right now. But finally I'm met with a wall so I feel around until I  find the door which is just next where I walked into to.

Honestly impressed with myself for finding my way. I feel around for the door handle before I go to tug it open. But the door is suddenly pushed closed again,


I swear my entire soul left my body as I let out a petrified scream that is only muffled when a hand is put over my mouth from behind me. I quickly turn around only to see a familiar smirky face illuminated by their phone screen. I'm slightly relieved it wasn't a demon but my mood quickly switches to anger.

"You asshole, what the hell Harry" I yell as I shove his shoulder back which only causes him to snicker.

"That's for flipping me off earlier"

I sigh not feeling like arguing, I turn around and finally make my way out and back to the lounge where at least there is some light. I should yell at him but I just want to get out of the locker room right now,

"Oh come on, you have to admit that was kinda funny" Harry laughs as he trails behind me.

"God now you sound like Niall, what is it with guys pissing people off and thinking it's funny?" I huff in annoyance, making my way over to the couch.

"Ah Niall, are you two dating?" He says bluntly in a curious voice, taking a seat next to me on the couch. The question honestly catches me off guard,

"No...why? Do people think we are?" I ask confused. I wouldn't be surprised if someone started some sort of rumor, some of the people who work here are immature like that. That's why I'm really only friends with Niall and Maya, I know they're safe.

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