Two Frigthened Friends

Start from the beginning

"Sure! What a fun way to tease the man to death."

"Now that's what I'm talking about!"

I watched an Aizawa situated himself into the comfort of his sleeping bag. May I add that he pulled it out of nowhere? At least he knows that he needed a nap. I sat next to the woman which now I know that her name was Nemuri Kayama. She seemed like an amazing person. She was probably fun to hang around with too.

I gasped. Know you knew these two were familiar. They were the pro hero Midnight and Present Mic. I internally facepalmed myself. Why didn't I notice this earlier? Kayama and Yamada looked at me with a questioning expression. I waved them off as I drank another gulp of water that Aizawa had poured for me earlier. They shrugged it off and continued to talk about things.

"Shinsou. Do you work? Like if you exclude your hero work. Do you have any other careers?"

I shook my head, "No. I just run my own agency here and there. There are not many cases for me to solve. If there is, it will either be a small problem, they usually are uninteresting. So I let my sidekicks do the work. I really need something to entertain myself in the main time. Otherwise, it just gets boring."

"Why don't you work at UA then? I mean, you could have an outstanding group of aspiring heroes. Your days could never get boring with them there. I mean, your also the number one hero in Europe, right? They probably look up to you. We're short on staff too, so this is great." Hizashi offered as he took a sip of his water.

"Yea. I think you should. There is a great group, really." Kayama suggested.

"I'll think about it. I mean, I have too much free time on my hands now. Teaching a class of kids could probably pass some time."

"Don't even think about it. They are just a bunch of problematic idiots. They give you unending headaches. Teenagers are especially troublesome."

I glanced at Aizawa. As he described his experience with his class. I never knew he could talk this much in a day. I mean, it just complains about his students, but still. At least he isn't sarcastic about things. I got lost in my thoughts that I didn't even notice that Aizawa finished reviewing the whole school like an Karen.

"Why do you even work there if you hate them so much. Maybe deep inside. You actually care for them, huh, Aizawa. Am I right?"

He sneered and flipped to the other side to enjoy his 'peaceful' nap. Hizashi laughed at Aizawa's weird behavior. But he suddenly stopped, glimpsing at me with all seriousness.

"I see you know Shouta a lot. You even know that he secretly enjoys his job even with the endless complaints." I shivered under his glare. "I feel like your replacing me as his friend!"

I stared at him in confusion. How did Hizashi become Aizawa's friend? They're like polar opposites or something. Standing up, I grabbed the cup and placed it in the sink. Grabbing my keys on the sink counter.

"I have to go and do some hero work now. I'll definitely think about that offer Yamada!"

I bid my goodbyes. And with that, I walked to the front door, putting on my trench coat in the process. Tying up my sneakers, I stood up. Placing the expensive sunglasses on. I tidied up my outfit before opening up the door. I didn't have to worry about locking it since it automatically locks when the door shuts.

Walking down the sidewalks. I avoided the crowded streets and took a stroll to a nearby park. Watching the sunset, it suddenly hit me. The people in my flashbacks looked more familiar than I thought. But I couldn't put a finger on it. Swinging my leg, I decided to sit here a while and enjoy what nature has provided me.

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