Episode 2 - Family Reunion

Start from the beginning

"Maybe without Zane, there is no team," Kai spits, crossing his arms over his chest.

I risk a glance at him. Kai's beautiful green eyes meet mine for just a moment before I quickly look away again. I pick up my glass of water and take another sip, this time without choking.

There's another ding as someone new comes in. Jay leans out to take a look and an excited grin crawls across his face.

"Don't look now, but we've got trouble," he says, shaking Lloyd's shoulder.

"Not our problem," Cole says dismissively. He turns towards the conveyer belt to grab a plate of food, but finds that it's empty. Behind us, the thugs have got the cashier pinned against the table, stopping the flow of food. "Okay, now they're our problem."

The five of us get out of our seats and walk over to the thugs, just like old times. Cole taps on the one with the mohawk's shoulder. "Excuse me, it's not polite to touch someone else's food."

"I'd listen to him if I were you," Kai says, leaning lazily against the counter. "He's no fun when he's hangry."

The mohawk guy throws a punch, but Cole catches his fist with a pair of chopsticks. The guy stares at him surprised, then pulls his fist back. He tries to kick Cole, but Cole catches his foot with the chopsticks and pushes him away. The guy spins back around to strike, but Cole catches him in the mouth with the chopsticks, yanking his lips up to reveal sharpened teeth.

Kai jumps up onto the conveyer belt and one of the other thugs turns it onto high so that food is rushing around. Kai kicks the plates of food at the thugs, knocking them away.

"Alright, I admit it," Kai says. "We make a good team."

Cole uses his chopsticks to grab a piece of sushi that Kai has kicked into the air. He stuffs it in his mouth before catching another one of mohawk guy's punches.

"Everything's better on a full stomach!"

the mohawk guy smashes a plate of noodles on the ground.

"Hey! I was gonna eat that!" Cole whines.

He picks mohawk guy up by the neck of his shirt and throws him onto the conveyer belt just as Kai kicks down the last thug. Kai jumps over the pile of thugs and lands next to me, a confident smirk plastered on his face.

"How can you walk away from this?" Lloyd asks.

The thugs get up off the conveyer belt and run out the back door.

"Let's get 'em, guys!" Cole declares, chasing after them The rest of us follow closely behind, but they're nowhere to be seen.

"Where did they go?" Kai says.

I stare around the dark alleyway. It's completely deserted except in the back corner where a table with candles and fortune cookies sits. There is a piece of paper pinned to the wall above it.

"What's this," Lloyd says as we approach.

"It's Zane," Kai says, staring at the picture on the paper.

"What does it say?" Cole asks.

I yank the sheet off the wall and read it. My mouth falls open after the first few words.

"It says he's alive."

All four boys gasp.

"I don't think those thugs were delivering a message to the Noodle House," Kai says. "I think they were delivering a message to us."

"What do you mean he's alive?" Jay asks angrily.

"Hey, I'm just telling you what it says," I reply sharply.

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