Part 34- trending

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Monday again. It's hard to believe that I started college almost 2 months ago. I have made so many friends and been recognised quite a few times as well. It's really hard with my friends because I feel awful that I'm not telling them the whole truth but at the same time I'm way too scared to tell them about some things in case they leak it to twitter or TikTok and then its out there forever. I have asked Tommy and Toby about this many times and they say that I should just tell them and Tommy has told me if anything gets out he won't blame me but it would still feel like my fault.

I have been asked many times if me and Tommy are dating but I deny it every time so if it gets out that we are together all the fans are going so angry at us for lying and I really don't want that. Tommy has told a few of his class mates and they don't care but somehow I just have a feeling it would go round my school like a wild fire seeing as most people have worked out who I am.

I walked to college from the bus stop and met my friends on the way, Lilly was telling us about her crush on this boy that she met in one of her classes asking if we can help set her up with him and Sam talked about a date she went on with her boyfriend. I so desperately wanted to talk about Tommy and our relationship but I refrained despite how hard it is.

I'm seriously going to have to think about telling them it's getting too much keeping this secret. I mean I can trust them right they've proved themselves that they aren't just friends with me because of my following.

The day went by like it usually does, I had an assessment in my sociology class but it went pretty smoothly so I'm feeling quite chill. I walked to the bus stop and went on my phone on the ride home to catch up with social media stuff before I have to do homework and then stream. I've found a good schedule for long days where I use my bus ride to do things that don't require me to be at home like replying to tweets maybe posting on my insta story or something and then I do my homework at the beginning of the week so that later on in the week I can edit videos and things and then finally my evenings are used for streaming and talking to Tommy and Toby. This has worked out great so far but there are times when it changes if something crops up.

I did my homework which consisted of making some notes and answering some exam questions before FaceTiming Tommy so we could talk before we stream later. He picked up pretty much right away which he does every time now, he's got so much better at communicating with me. We talked for hours about the most random things, somehow we always manage to come up with new things to talk about even though we talk everyday.

"I really want to tell my friends about us so I might do it tomorrow if you're ok with that" I said finally making my mind up

"Of course you can do what you want just remember if anything does happen which it won't its not your fault and I won't hate you" he reassured

"I know but I will feel awful if its my fault that everything is leaked that why I'm so scared to tell them" I said

"Don't be scared if things do get leaked then at least you know that your friends aren't good people and you can cut them out your life" he said calmly

It's weird that Tommy's being the sensible one in this situation it's normally me who tries to look at everything from a third person perspective and make the right decisions. He kept reassuring me that things would be fine despite all my worries.

There is something telling me that this is all going to go really wrong but I'm ignoring it because I'm just being paranoid like I always am.

Skip to the next day

I'm pacing back and forth in the canteen of the main college building waiting for all my friends to get here so we can go somewhere a bit quieter and I can tell them about me and Tommy. My hands are shaking so bad even though its not cold and I'm starting to sweat from the pure nerves.

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